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I was eating my food when suddenly shouts could be heard. We all turned our heads to see what the commotion was all about.

Cheonsa's friend was shouting while standing up. I shook my head and went back to eating when I heard Jungkook laughing.

I looked at him and saw him smiling dreamily.

"Ya! Jungkook, you are smiling again! Are you really in love with Cheonsa? Guys! We dont have to do our homework for a month now!" Hoseok cheered, followed by the others.

Jungkook frowned and quickly shook his head. "Aniyo! Aish jjinja. I promise you at the end of the month, I will break things off of her." He answered.

They all nodded.

I looked at him again. He was frowning and his eyes were filled with sadness.

"I will go there with Cheonsa." He commented and walked over to their table.

The rest continued eating and chatting but all I could see was how Jungkook sweetly treated Cheonsa.

They were a perfect couple. But my heart ached for his attention.

Being the only girl in the group made him notice me all the time. He was the only one who I was the closest to.

I looked back down to my meal and stuffed my mouth with mouthful of rice.

I sighed as my eyes welled up with tears.

I chewed on the rice and blinked back the tears.

Jungkook ah, what should I do?

I walked back into the classroom feeling all gloomy. I made up an excuse to the boy saying that I needed to get something but all I needed was somewhere for me to breathe and be myself.

I sat on my chair and rested my head on the desk.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.

You make me happy, when the sky is grey.

I sighed as I felt the tears coming out again. My whole life changed when that fateful day happened.


"B-Bwo?" My hands trembled as I held onto the house telephone. "A-Arraseo..." I hung up and quickly got my scarf.

Tears streamed down my face as the 4 year old me made my way to the hospital.

"Omma, appa..." I mumbled to myself as I ran towards the hospital.

"Ouch!" I tripped and fell. I cried even more as I saw the blood slowly drip from the wound on my knee.

I took in a deep breath and picked myself up. Come on Ki, you can do it.

With the remaining strength, I limped to the hospital.

"Unni, may I ask where is Kim Yooni and Kim Youngjae?" I asked the nurse in charge.

"Come with me." She held my hand as she showed me where my parents laid.

"Omma..." I said as I saw the state she was in. Tears streamed down like rivulets. My father was pushed to a different room.

I slowly limped to her side. "Omma..." i held her hand.

Her eyelid slowly fluttered open. She smiled weakly at me. "K-Ki, you m-made i-it." She whispered.

I cried even louder. "D-Dont cry, Ki." She whispered.

She started breathing harder. "Omma..."

She smiled. "Y-You a-are m-my s-sunshine, m-my only sunshine." She started singing weakly. "You make me happy when the skys are grey." I continued.

She smiled, before the stupid machine started beeping louder. Soon enough, I ended up at my aunts house, with no parents.

My aunt and uncle are great. Its just that I can no longer open myself up again.


I closed my eyes and took in deep breaths. I learnt how to control myself over these years.

What should I do?


I will try to update as much as i can before going on a semi hiatus after this week.

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