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"Just dont fall too hard." I told her. I didnt want her to be hurt again. Jungkook told us about how she experienced it.

I gave her a warning but I doubt she will catch on. I opened the door to our dorm and placed the food on the dining table.

Everyone else was still asleep. I walked to Jungkook and sticked a post it on his forehead.

Make her happy before breaking apart.

After eating, I walked Cherry back and let her go free.

I sighed as I settled down on my couch. What should I do now? Is Jungkook awake?

I picked up my phone and decided to message him.

Jungkookie, are you awake?
Do you want to go out today?

I send the messages and turned on the televison.

Oh! Goblin is playing now.

I quickly grabbed my pillow and watched intensely.


My eyelids fluttered open. I jolted up right and covered my mouth. Omo! I feel asleep?

Quickly, I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 3.30pm

I let out a sigh, but my eyes scrolled down only to see a message from Jungkook.

Sure! Meet you at the park around 2.30?

I gasp and stood up straight. "Omo no no no! He waited for an hour already?" I hurriedly grabbed my phone and house keys before running to the park.


I panted as I looked around the park. "Jungkook ah Jungkook, where are you? Im so sorry." I whispered to myself.

At the corner of my eye, I saw a figure of a male sleeping on the bench.

I quickly scurried there and checked to see whether it was Jungkook.

I supported myself by holding onto the bench and squatted down.

Indeed, he was sleeping on the bench.

I smiled to myself as I saw his peaceful face sleeping. Quiet snores could be heard.


I reached out to carress his cheeks and stared. "Kyeopta..." i whispered.

I glided my fingers across his cheeks to his nose and down to his pink-tinted lips.

I smiled. "What are you doing?" I jumped a little as I heard his raspy voicem

I flushed as I tried to stand up straight. I saw him opening his eyes wearily and sitting up straight.

With his eyes semi-opened, he pat the empty spot beside him, motioning me to sit.

I pursed my lips and sat down. I looked at him and saw him looking at me with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he leaned back down and placed his head on my lap. I gasp and looked at him.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked. He shrugged and closed his eyes. "You made me wait for an hour. Let me sleep for a while more." He said and moved around so that his face was facing mine.

I nodded and stared at him.

"Sleep well..." I mumbled. I placed my hand on his chest and tapped my fingers slowly, helping him fall asleep.

I looked forward and saw a couple sitting on the swings.

I sighed softly and stared at his face again.

Jeon Jungkook. You wont let me down right?

I closed my eyes and started humming to a random song.

Do you really like me?

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