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I walked back to our classroom, hands intertwined with Jungkook. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Jungkookie." I said. He hummed in reply. "Jungkookie." I repeated. "Yes?" He looked at me.

"Jungkookie! I like to call your name." I said and smiled brightly.

He laughed slightly and ruffled my hair. "Cheonsa means an angel right? That means your an angel." He said.

I nodded and held his hand tighter.

"We reached the classroom, you can let go of my hand now." I told him in front of the classroom door.

He pouted and nodded. I smiled and was about to go when my hand was held back.

I giggled and pointed at his hand. He finally let go of it and I walked to my seat.

I sighed happily and placed my bag down and took out my books.

A paper aeroplane was thrown on my table. I frowned and opened it.

Angel <3

I giggled and turned behind to see Jungkook smiling.

I shook my head and carefully placed it into my bag.


After classes, it was time to go home. I was frowning as there were too many assignments.

I packed my bag and walked out of the classroom, frowning as I planned on how I was supposed to finish everything.

I sighed profusely and walked to the school gate.

"Cheonsa! Why didnt you wait for me?" Jungkook suddenly appeared beside me.

"Ah, mianhe." I apologised but continued walking faster in order to get home quicker.

"Ya! Do you want to go to the arcade?" Jungkook asked. "No thanks, im really busy now. Maybe next time?" I said continued walking.

"But I want to go now!" He started whining like a baby. I suddenly got irritated and shouted. "You can just go yourself!"

He stopped talking and changed his expression. "Arraseo." He then walked away.

I was in a dilemma now. I looked back and forth. "Tsk. Aish jjinja! Forget it. Just finish all the homework and console him." I said out loud and ran back home.

I opened the door and was greeted by Cherry. "Oh annyeong." I rushed to get her food and she imediately stated eating it.

I sighed in relief and quickly completed my homework.

Minutes...hours passed and it was already 10pm. I sighed in frustration and ran my fingers through my hair.

I skipped dinner but my stomach was filled with annoyance.

I left 2 more questions and I was stuck on those two.

I smacked my pen down and rested my head on the table.

I was stressed out.

I sighed shakily and massaged my temples. "Why cant I finish this stupid question?" I whined and kicked the chair in front of me.

I sighed again and stood up. This cant do.

I took my house keys and stepped out.


I walked to the nearby pond and sat on the bench. I breathed in and out.

"A B C D E F G. H I J K L M N O P. Q R S T U V W X Y Z." I recited the alphabet.

I always do that whenever I was stressed. I created that destressing method of mine.

A Dumb Angel Where stories live. Discover now