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After bathing and everything, I walked down to the couch and sat next to Rye.

"Hello again." I said and reached forward to grab a piece of chips.

She nodded and continued watching the show on the tv.

Ding dong!

I looked to the door instinctively.

"Go get it." Rye said to me. I sighed and hopped off to the door.

I peeked through the peephole and stared. I blinked once and twice.

The bell rang again.

"Cheonsa! Just open it!" I heard Rye say.

I took in a deep breath and opened it. "How may i help you?"

Jungkook looked up and smiled weakly. "You opened the door." He mumbled.

My semi-smile faded as I saw hes red and puffy eyes.

"Can I just take up one minute of your time?" He said and looked at me.

I hesitated and looked at Rye. She just continued looking at ther television.

I sighed and nodded. "I will be back!" I shouted as I closed the door.

"To the park?" He suggested. I looked down and nodded.

As we walked, the space between us just grew further and further.

Silence filled the surroundings, even the usual birds didnt churp.

I sighed mentally.

"Please sit." He said and I obeyed quietly.

Silence filled us once again until he sighed.

Jungkook turned to face me and smiled. "Can I hold your hand for the last time? Please?" He pleaded and looked at me, tears already filling his eyes.

I looked down slightly and nodded. I extended my hand towards him and he held it securely.

"Cheonsa ah, im sorry. Im really really sorry for being such an asshole." He said and I listened quietly.

"But you dont have to worry anymore!" He continued and smiled as he looked at me.

"We wont interact with you anymore so you dont have to worry. Im not asking you to forgive me but if it hurts too much just try to forget me and everything. Arraseo?" He said gently.

I blanked out. T-They wont wait wait, he wont even talk to me anymore? I guess really, everything that he had done was really fake.

I choked back my tears. L-Love? He wont even give a shot and chasing me?

"Cheonsa?" I closed my eyes and let go of his hands.

"Dont." I muttered and walked off. If thats what you really want then,

I breathed in and out. "Then I really dont know. I dont know what I am supposed to do now."

I whispered as my heart ached more and more as I took a step further from him.

I sighed and hit my chest a couple of times.

I calmed myself down and opened the door to Rye's house.

"Oh your back?" She asked, eyes still glueing to the screen.

I gulped and tried controlling my voice. "Yes. The delivery guy needed me to go to their store to sign something." I made up and excuse and quickly ran up the stairs.

I sighed in relief and sat on the bed.

"Cheonsa pabo."

I sighed and laid on the bed. I guess this time, theres really no way you can save this relationship.

I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Im thinking of stopping this book around here-ish and start on book 2!! Yayyyy but its not decided yet.

Huehue actual classes will really start next week soooooo aiya i really dunno lah

Tsk i dont wannnnnnnnnnnnnn

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