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Cheonsa ran back to Rye's house with tears streaming faster than ever.

Jungkook just stood there, frozen as tears slowy fell.

He crouched down and finally realised what he had done. How he broke his beloved girl.

He do love Cheonsa. He loves her alot alot. She do too, but she is hurt by him, the man that she loves too much.

Cheonsa pushed the door open and crouched down beside the door.

Her heart wrenched and she felt terrible. Just when she thought she could cry no more tears fell more and quicker.

"Omo Cheonsa ah! What happened? Its that Jungkook isnt it?"

Cheonsa just cried even harder.

"I swear, when I see him the next day, I punch the living crap out of him." Rye cursed.

Cheonsa just shook her head and sniffles. "T-That will just show him that im too weak to defend m-myself." She whispered silently.

Rye sat next to her and laid on her shoulder.

"Cheonsa ah, what should I do? Should I follow you to Japan as well?" She said.

Cheonsa looked at her. "Why do you need to come with me?"

Rye shrugged. "Maybe because I think Jimin might also be with me for a dare as well." She said softly.

Cheonsa widened her eyes. "B-Bwo? You cant give up your relationship just because you think. I'm in a total different case. I witnessed him admit it. Its different." She trailed off and sighed.

"Rye, you have to get him back. I think," Cheonsa took in a deep breath and smiled. "I think Jimin might really be the one for you."

Rye sat up straight. "You think so?"

Cheonsa nodded. "I know so."

They then both smiled.


The next day, Cheonsa decided to go to school. She felt better, and plus, she cant just skip school just because of a heartbreak.

Rye and Cheonsa walked to school together, both never leaving one another.

They walked into the classroom and settled down.

"Rye, remember, if you see Jimin make sure to ask him if you two can get back together. Ok?" Cheonsa reminded.

Rye sighed and nodded. "What about you?"

Cheonsa shook her head. "I no longer have anything to do with those people unless you get married to Jimin then its a different case." She laughed and smiled evily.

Rye blushed and laughed as well.

The classroom door opened, signalling the arrival of those people.

"Go on!" I nudged Rye.

She sighed and looked at Jimin then to Cheonsa again. "Hwaiting!" She said and started walking towards Jimin.

Jimin was shocked to see Rye poking his shoulder.

"Can we talk?" She squeaked. Jimin gulped and nodded. They both left the classroom together.

I sighed in relief and took out my storybook.

"Lee Cheonsa. Can we talk as well?" I tensed up a little in the inside but maintained a calm posture.

I took in a deep breath and looked at him.

"Oh, your Jeon Jungkook right? Ne, how may I help you?"

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