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She covers her feelings too well, i thought to myself as i quickly washed up and approached her quietly.

"Cheonsa ah, what can I help you now?" I asked silently.

"Hm? Oh, there's actually nothing for you to do now. You can leave if you want." She said, giggling at how hungry the puppies were.

I smiled sadly at her. Shes trying to not show how she feels.

"Its okay, I will wait for you." I replied and watched her.

She hummed in reply. Staring into her eyes, i could not help but notice the hint of sadness.

"Ok, let's go now. Goodbye Mrs Lee!" She waved goodbye to the lady when she finished cleaning up the food while i quickly did the same.

"Cheonsa, can I ask you a question?" I glanced at the clouds that were way too gloomy for my liking.

"Sure." She replied and looked up as well.

"Why do you like to help at the shelter?"

"I'm not sure. I like animals, and helping others." She laughed.

"Your cute."

"I know. Many people say that to me." She said confidently and smiled brightly.

I snorted, "There's a park right there, do you want to hangout for a while?"

She shrugged. "Why not."


We sat down on a bench and stared at the children laughing while playing at the playground.

I kicked the little rocks on the ground and blurted, "Sorry but I have to ask this, why did you cry just now?"

She laughed sadly.

"Ah, I guess its because I got reminded of my ex like I said." She said and laughed at the children playing.

"Ah, I see. What did he do to you? Sorry." I said quietly.

She smiled and shook her head. "Its okay. Its good to relief all of this once a while."

"You see, I actually admired him alot before he asked me out. Then one day, he approached me and asked me if I would be willing to go out with him." I looked at her smiling happily.

"Wow, I thought a dream came true. I was so happy back then. But until one day, I found out everything." Her smile faded.

"He was dared by his friends to ask me out for 2 months. On the last day, he brought me out on a date and made me happy before,"

She took in a deep breath and smiled sadly.

"Before he scolded me for being naive and gullible. He scolded me for believing him. He said that I was a literal dumb angel." She looked at me with her lips wavering and tears welling in her eyes.

"Many people say that to me but when he said it, it really made an impact to me." She said as a tear fell.

"Sigh, i'm sorry that you had to see me-" I reached out to hug her tightly, palm stroking her hair gently.

"I'm sorry."

I really am sorry that you will have to go through the same thing again.

[edited; 19/11/17]

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