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I smiled to myself as the image of Cheonsa smiling appeared in my head again.

"Jungkookie is smiling again~" Jimin sang but I quickly smacked him.

Ki seemed to notice but I ignored her.

"Thinking about Cheonsa? Yah, dont forget that there is still two weeks till the dare is off so keep your heart away from her." Jin reminded.

My smiled faded as I nodded my head.

Yah. Hes right Jungkook ah. Snap out of it.

"What dare?" Ki asked. We looked at each other before Hoseok explained.

"We dared Jungkook to date her and not fall in love with her. If he loses he will do our homework for a month."

I nodded. Ki nodded and smiled. I frowned mentally. I could almost see a smirk in her smile.

I look back to Cheonsa. She was smiling as she read her comics.

I smiled mentally.

So its a dare huh? I smirked slightly. I saw Jungkook smiling back at Cheonsa.

Jungkook ah, if you disappoint me then I wont be afraid to use this advantage on her.

After classes, me and the boys walked to a table.

Who is she?

How can she be with bts?


I shook my head and smirked a little. "Can you help me get my food? Thanks." I asked Jin. He smiled and nodded.

I looked around and saw everyone chatting happily.

I frowned slightly. I wish I had actual friends for me to confide in...

I looked to the left and saw that Cheonsa girl and her friend walking to a table.

I admit, I was kind of jealous when I saw them so happy.

I looked back down and sighed.

I rested my head on the canteen table and thought.


"Ha! The loner is here!" I walked into the classroom with my head hung low.

I heard people laughing from behind me but i bit my lip to hold in my tears.

I carefully sat on my chair and took out my books with a shaky hand.

"Ya! Pass me that book. I forgot mine." Someone hit my head with a pen.

I sighef in defeat and was about to pass it to him but someone held my book back.

"Stop it." I looked up and saw three boys stopping the bully.

The bully scoffed and walked away.

"T-Thank you." I thanked them and got back my books.

They pulled their chairs towards me and smiled at me.

"Annyeong! Ki, I am Jeon Jungkook and this is Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung. We will be your friends now so you wont get bullied from now on! Right boys?" Jungkook said happily and nudged them.

They smiled and nodded. I hesitatantly nodded.

Over the next few years, we became 'friends' and met Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon. I was smiling as I was grateful for them. They helped me stop the bullying but.


"I am only their friends to stop the bullying."

I didnt sincerely want to be their friends.

I couldnt open up to them. When I say something sincere, they treat it as a joke. They cant relate to me, nor can I.

"Ki, I brought you your food!" They came back smiling.

I smiled back weakly. "Thanks." They then started laughing to themselves.

I smiled too. Forcefully.

I dont want to lose them though, so I will do whatever it takes to keep them.

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