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30 minutes passed and I decided to wake him up.

"Jungkook ah, ireona." I shook him slightly. He mumbled something incoherently and moved around.

His hair tickled my legs slightly so I moved my legs. But he just decided to move his head again.

I let out a laugh because of the tickles. I saw him frowned and he moved his head again.

I laughed again because of the tickles and he seemed to notice it. He moved even more and I laughed as I tried pushing him away.

Finally, he stopped moving and he sat up straight.

With a smiled on my face, i poked his cheeks. "Are you awake now?"

He nodded and opened his eyes. "Tadah! Jungkookie is awake!" He said and placed his hands on the side of his cheeks.

I giggled.

He suddenly extended his hands out and poked my stomach. I breathed in and out as I laughed because of the tickles.

"Y-Ya! Stop...haha...it...now!" I said in between laughter. I tried pushing his hand away but he held my wrists with his right hand.

He suddenly stopped and stared at me intensely. My laughter slowly died down when he stopped.

When I looked up to see his face, my smiled slowly faded away.

"I-Is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly. Jungkook averted his sight to my lips.

"No. Just, your lips look really pink." He then leaned in and connected our lips together.

I gasp and leaned back but he used his other hand to support me.

He moved slowly while I stayed frozen.

I looked at his closed eyes and moving jawline.

I pried my hand away from his grasp and cradled his jaw, slowly kissing him back.

He smiled in between the kiss and I smiled back too.

Soon, he pulled away and looked at me.

"Your really beautiful." He whispered and carressed my cheeks.

I blushed and looked down, only to be raised up again by him.

He leaned in to peck my lips once and smiled cheekily.

"Kyeopta." I smiled and pecked his.

"Lets go for our actual date now shall we?"


We arrived at Lotte World and bought our tickets.

"Kaja!" He said and held my hand.

I smiled brightly as we arrived there.

We went on many rides and ended up im a restaurant. "So should eat a bowl of ramen okay? No more salad for you." Jungkook said.

I nodded and smiled.

Soon, our food came. "Ah!" He fed me a spoon of ramen.

I smiled and ate it. I fed him as well. We were like a real couple. Maybe we were a real couple.

With that thought in mind, I smiled happily.


Heyyyyyyyy i cant wait to write the heartbreak scenes muahhahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahah


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