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I sighed as the door slammed shut. Cheonsa ah. You really arent stupid.

Only the boys were.

I clenched my fist as I walked to the café where Jimin and I were supposed to meet.

"Rye! Over here!" I heard Jimin call. I smiled weakly and walked towards him.

"How was school?" I asked as I settled down.

He shrugged. "The same. Is there something wrong?"

I sighed and nodded. "You received the picture didnt you?"

He frowned his brow but then nodded. "The Ki and Jungkook one? Yah, Jungkook was really worried about her. Have you seen her?" Jimin asked.

I scoffed. "Worried my ass. Answer me honestly okay. Jungkook is on a dare isnt he?"

Jimin tensed up. "W-What dare? Well if hes on a dare it clearly isnt dared by us." He said and laughed nervously.

I shook my head. "I know it all. Cheonsa witnessed Jungkook nodding his head when Ki asked him whether it was a dare or something."

"You know, sometimes I wonder whether boys have a heart or not. After hearing everything from her just now, I am starting to think you are only dating me for a dare given by your friends." I spat and stood up.

"Dont let me see you for this whole week." I said and ran out of the cafe.

I sighed irritatedly and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Aish!" I cursed and kicked the chair in front of me.

I stood up and ran out of the door. Jeon Jungkook you really are in trouble and you just had to drag me in it.

I opened the door to our dorm and slammed the door shut.

"Jeon Jungkook!" I shouted as I knocked on his door.

"Jimin? What happened?" Jin opened his door and asked.

The rest opened their doors as well, only Jungkook's didnt.

"Ah wae?!" He finally opened his door with his bed hair.

I scoffed out loud. "You still can sleep? I cant believe you. Yah you punk! Cheonsa found out already! Wake up!" I smacked his back as I shouted into his ear.

"Found out what? I already explaine the picture." He said and glared at me.


He widened his eyes and stared at me. "B-Bwo? She what? Shoots." He ran out, pushing everyone away and he quickly put on his shoes and ran out of the house.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

"Cheonsa found out already?" Taehyung said.

I nodded my head with frustration. "And she told Rye so now Rye suspects that I am also in a dare! Aish jjinja! We shouldnt even started this stupid game!" I shouted and slammed my bedroom door shut.

I kicked my blanket around and screamed into my pillow.

"Jeon Jungkook you better fix this right." 

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