三十四 (last chapter)

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I quickly ran towards the airport the moment I received her and Rye's text.

Jungkook ah, you have to hurry. She is flying to Japan in half an hour's time. You have to get her back.

Goodbye  Jungkook. Im sorry yet thankful towards you. Be happy always.

I walked into the terminal and panted.

I checked the schedule.

Gate for trip to Tokyo, Japan is opened now. Will be closing in five minutes time.

I cursed silently. I lost. I didnt make it in time.

Drops of tears slowly dripped quietly.

Its all my fault. I shouldnt have...

I walked out of the airport and screamed out loud. People gave me stares but I ignored them.

Why? Cheonsa, I miss you. I long for you. I want you.

"I love you Cheonsa."

I smiled to my mom as I looked out of the window.

Are you doing well now Jungkook? Rye are you okay? Jimin, please take care of Rye.

I wondered as the plane took off.

I messaged everyone my goodbyes and thanks. I hope everyone will be happy and start a new life again.

I plugged in my earphones and closed my eyes. Lets, lets just forget everything and start a new life.

Lets just forgive and forget.


To Jimin:
Jiminie, are you doing well? Please take care of Rye. She can be handful at times but just be patient to her. If you break her heart I wont hesitate to shout at you okay? Good luck and I wish you the best for your future.

To Rye:
Hellooo i hope you arent crying and missing me too much!! Dont worry I will be back and bring you many sweets. Live a happy life with Jimin okay? Good luck and I love you!!

To Jungkook:
Goodbye Jungkook. Im sorry yet thankful towards you. Be happy always.


Remember, I loved you and I love you. I love you alot alot. I will love you forever. Please wait for me. But if you dont, I dont mind. Please, please just be happy. Thats all im asking for__




1 and a half years later...(review to book 2)
"Yah! Its that playboy again!" I heard shouts coming from the front.

I frowned and looked forward. Who is that?

That guy in front of me looked familar.

I walked in front of him and walked into the principals office.

"Hello Mr Lim! Im back!"


"Oh my gosh! I cant believe you really bought the snacks for me!" Rye cheered and hugged me.

I laughed and shook my head. "You look very different." I commented. She smiled and nodded. "Well, lets just say people change over time." I nodded until I heard her whisper.

"Like him."

I looked at her and saw her smiling sadly.

"Rye!" I heard a boy shout for her name.

We both looked forward and she smiled brightly. "Jiminie!"

I smiled and waved. "You are?" Jimin said while frowning.

I laughed and tilt my head to the side. "Im Cheonsa, Lee Cheonsa." His eyes widened.

"Cheonsa?!" He exclaimed and hugged me. I giggled and pat his back. "Your girlfriend is still here youknow." I pointed to Rye who was glaring at him.

He quickly pecked her cheeks and smiled sheepishly.


We heard a slapping sound.

I saw a guy being slapped by a girl. He smirked and just waved to the leaving girl.

"Who's that?" I whispered.

Both of them sighed and looked at me sadly. "Sadly, thats Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook."

That guy turned to look at us.

My heart dropped as I saw him smirk and running towards us.


Ahhhhh thanks so much for reading!! I absolutely love this book so much so i hope you do too

Thank youyuyuuuuuuu

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