Very long Prologue

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"Hello my name is Minato Namikaze, and you?" the bright blonde boy smiled at me. "U-Ummm.. M-My name is Y/N L/N..." I stammered as my cheeks glowed a glossy pink.

"Hehe Nice to meet you Y/N! Let's be friends." He chuckled holding his hand out towards me. I stared at his cheeky smile as I blushed turning away. "What's wrong Y/N, Don't you want to be friends?" He questioned while trying to get a view of my face.

"U-Um yeah! It's just that.. I never had a f-fried before..." I hide my embarrassment by throwing my hands over my face. "Hehe, you're funny Y/N it's not fried its friend and don't worry I won't hurt you! In fact let's make a promise!" He answered joyfully as he grabbed my hand dragging me to a very large tree in the forest.

"H-Hey umm Minato! Hold up you're walking to fast!" I pulled on the back of his shirt to grab his attention. "Oh sorry Y/N, here this will help." He got on the ground signaling me to get on his back. I stood there uneasy.-I mean I just met him and he already wants to make promises. He sure is a weird person- I'm not sure if I should trust him.

"Come on Y/N, trust me!" He said pulling me onto his back. Then started climbing up the tree."M-Minato!" I tightened my grip around him and buried my face in his neck. "Hey um.. Y/N?" He stopped climbing and stood on a high branch. "Y-Yes?" I mumbled as I kept my face on his neck, afraid of looking down. "Y/N that tickles!" He chuckled softly as I quickly hopped off his back onto the branch. "Sorry..!" I apologized lowering my head.

"It's alright but look we made it just in time." He said pointing at the sunset. I turned to see a beautiful tangerine sky as it faded into shades of pink and red.

My eyes were glued onto the horizon as the sunlight warmly touched my skin. I peeked over at Minato as he had his eyes closed with a relaxing expression. The bright colors reflected off his cheeks as his lips semblance a smile.

He opened his eyes and caught me staring at him like an idiot. I jumped by surprised as I felt heat crawl up onto my face I slowly turned towards the sunset again. "Y/N..." he said, I could feel his eyes on me-it was like he was looking into my soul-"Hmm?" I questioned as I kept my gaze at the sun lowering itself in the distance.

"I promise I will always protect you no matter what, I won't let anyone hurt you... Will be the best of friends forever!" He answered as my head shifted to him, he held a cheesy grin. The breeze went by causing my H/L H/C hair to be pushed back reveling my red ears.

I felt as if my heart was going to jump out my chest. I never had anyone say that to me. Not even my adoptive parents. "Come on Y/N, the sunsets over. Can you climb down on your own?" He asked standing up causing the tree branch to shake.

"Ek!" I grabbed onto the large tree trunk as I shut my eyes. "I'm going to take that as a no..." he sweatdropped and held out his hand.-I didn't hesitate as I grabbed ahold-He lifted me up and put me on his back.

"Don't look now Y/N, we're going down." He says. I once again tightened my grip around him and buried my face into his neck. "H-Hey Y/N, s-stop that tickles!" He laughed between his words as I forgot. "Gomen Minato.." I whispered softly into his ear.

I felt his body tense up as we reached the bottom of the tree. I hopped of his back and fixed my clothes. "Y/N here." He tossed me a stone as I reacted quickly to catch it. "What is this for?" I tilted my head examining the rock.

"Come write you initials." He said bluntly as he was already carving the large tree. "A-Alright..." I walked over to him and craved my initials under his. It was really messy but you could still read it.

"There, now this tree belongs to me and you!" He said with another cheeky smile. "O-Oh Alright!" I said happily. "Let's go home now." He answered grabbing ahold of my hand. I flushed pink as he dragged me back into the village.

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