☼ Chapter Ten ☼

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Chapter Ten: The In-between part 1.
"You aren't died yet.." kurama said bluntly once more.

"What do you mean Kurama?" You said as you stared at him. "What are you talking about not dead yet! Look at me! I'm a god damn spirit ghost thingy!?" You said as you pointed to yourself.

"You are stuck in the in-between." He said as he sat back down. "What in the world are you talking about!" You rubbed your temples.

"The in-between in a state of mind where people who get stuck while crossing between life and death." He said poked your stomach gently.

"So I'm stuck how do I get out?" You ask as you stared at him. "I don't know." He said closing his eyes.

"W-What!?! Why tell me something if you don't know the answers!" You crossed your arms.

"You have to find your own way out Y/N. in the meantime I'm gonna take a long nap." He said falling asleep.

"Gosh what help you are... bye-bye kurama." You say softly with a smile and left the small chamber.

"Goodbye Y/N..." he whispered back.


You were walking along a small forest path as you came across a certain person.

"Hey Y/N~chan..."

Your eyes glued onto the person as you couldn't think clearly. Random words fumbled out your mouth as you tried to speak.

"N-Niyo..!?" you ran to him and hugged him tight. "Don't squeeze me too hard now Y/N." he said as he chuckled, you smiled at him as you didn't know what to say.

"I'd never imagine you'd be here..." he said with a frown. "How did you know?" You asked as you sat on nearby stone. "I just had a weird feeling telling me to come over here. Then I found you." He chuckled.

"So.. what happened...? You know after I di-" he said you beat him to the point.

"We escaped..." you smiled at him. He smiled back as he ruffled your hair. "But how did you di-" you beat him again.

"I sealed kurama. I-I mean the nine tails..." you stuttered catching your mistake. "What!! Wasn't Kushina the Jin!?" He screamed surprised.

"Yup, but I guess it had something to do with the pregnancy..." you said trying to recall everything that Happened. "So you saved konoha?" He asked.

"I guess you could say that." You giggled at the thought. Niyo gave you a thumbs up before a frown casted upon his face.

"What's wrong?" You say as you started walking. He followed while there was a soft breeze.

"Something's different about you and all the other people here...? You guys are filled with light... and I-I feel like I don't belong here."

"Niyo... don't get mad but your dead... I'm stuck in the inbetween." You say sadly as he widened his eyes. "I know I'm dead... but the inbetween is that why everyone is different." He asked as he stopped walking.

"Yes im trying to find my way out of here." You say softly looking back at him.

"You know Y/N something about you just amazes me.. I mean you h/l h/c hair... you beautiful e/c eyes, your soft s/c skin. Everything about you is wonderful... I hope he can see that someday.." Niyo said as his body started to dissolve.

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