Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Ring

"Thank you." Minato said to some lady. You were hanging over his shoulder as he ran around the village like some maniac.

"Minato! This is embarrassing." You dangled your arms trying to touch the ground. "I'm just doing you a favor." He laughed walking through the streets. You sighed as people were staring at you both with a crazy look.

"Goodmorning Y/n." Kakashi appeared along with Guy. "That's right! Y/n and the Hokage taking advantage of the power of youth!!! Come on kakashi, let me carry you! Lets all race!" Guy beamed with excitement. You laughed as Minato swung you around almost making you fall.

"Whoops sorry, Boys. me and Y/n are busy today." Minato smirked shaking his shoulders. You slightly bounced up and down, slowling slipping.

"H-Hey!! Stop that I'm gonna fall idiot!" You pinched his back. He tensed up, stopping his motion.
"Oh anyways goodbye boys." He waved to the Jonin.


Minato has been carrying you all over the village for the entire day. It's was getting late and you knew you had to get back home to Naruto. Although Minato refused to let you go. He was walking into the forest, confidently and you just sighed knowing it was no use of trying to get away.

"Minato, I think I'm gonna have back problems." You whined, Staring at the ground as he carried you through the calm forest. Looking side to side you started memorizing the area. You both were close to the tree.. Where everything started...

You stopped talking and relaxed letting the silence spread. It was a nice kind a quiet, no tension no anything. It was peaceful.

"Y/n, come on we're gonna miss it." Minato set you down on the grassy floor. You wobbled at first gaining your posture. "Miss what?" You asked looking at the bag he was holding; it was from the lady earlier today.

"The sunset, look." He flicked your forehead pointing to the tree behind you. Holding your forehead, with puffed checks you turned and looked at the old tree with childish carvings of both your names.

"Minato we haven't been here in what seems like ages, and Naruto is probably wondering where we are." You crossed your arms, sticking your hip out.

"It's okay, he'll be fine let's hurry. I got dumplings." He hopped up to the highest tree-branch. Waving the bag at you.

"Now that's some motivation... w-wait! Minato Naruto must be starving! I have to go cook him supper!" You frantically waved your arms.

"Y/n! It's okay, he has a collection of ramen.. remember..?" Minato sweat-dropped, leaning against the trunk. "Oh yeah..." Groaning you hopped up to same branch. Sitting next to your lover.

"See y/n we missed the beginning." Minato whined as the orange and reddish rays clung against the earth. Slowly lowering themselves, you watch closely eating the warm and slightly cold dumplings.

Minato p.o.v

She was gazing at the horizon in 'awe'. I couldn't help but watch her. Everything about her makes my heart race.

Those e/c eyes.
Her h/l , H/c locks.
Soft smooth skin.
Kissable lips.
Everything... I just loved her so much.

Her eyes shimmered brightly as she ate the dumplings. The sunset coming closer to an end.

"Y/n?" I called her name. She shifted towards to me, Gazing with a smile. "Yes?" she tilted her head letting small strands of her hair fall on her face.

I tensed up while heat ran to my face. I looked away, avoiding her eyes for awhile.

"Y/n, I know this is sudden but... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You're an amazing woman, strong, beautiful, kind, caring, even short-tempered and childish. I love every single thing about you. I can't imagine a world without you Y/n. It's impossible and even thinking about it hurts. Please Y/n if you feel the same way... will you marry me? I know you must think I'm crazy for this, but ever since I first met you at the playground when we were kids, something changed inside me. I wanted our friendship to grow stronger. I wanted you to let me love you and you to love me. I know it must seem selfish. But Y/n you were my first love. Carving our names on this tree, making those promises. I-I want to make another one, I promise I will protect you with my life, love you until the day I die, show you the affection you never had. So please say yes.." I turned to look at her, pulling out a ring.

Her eyes were watering, slowly running down her cheeks. "W-What..." she looked shocked. Moving back, misplacing her hand she slipped off the branch.I acted quickly catching her before she could hit the ground.

"Is that a yes or a no...?" I asked worriedly for the answer. She slightly moved her lips, trembling.

I sighed setting her back down. "I'm sorry Y/n..." I apologized. Weakly smiling, patting her head.
"Y-Yes!" She screamed, tackling me to the ground. "Yes! Minato Yes! A million times Yes! I will marry you!" She hugged me. Losing my breath I tapped her shoulder signaling her to move.

I knew I was smiling like an idiot. Once she got up I pulled the ring out once more slipping it on to her ring finger.

"I-Its... beautiful." She stared at it, I flashed her a cheeky smile hugging her. "Let's go home." I whispered knowing that the sunset was over and night was creeping upon us.

"Hai.." she started walking still staring at the ring.


Sorry guys I just rushed again with this chapter

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