☼ Chapter Nine ☼

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Chapter nine: Nine Tails...
"Y/N... its m-." Akira said as you cut him off. "Minato..." you whispered as you started following the nine tails chakra.

You followed the dark aura as you stared to feel Minato and Kushina nearby. Your stomach sank as you stared thinking of the worst possibilities. Kiara and Akira were taking you to the sound as you heard loud growls and screams.

"Kiara! Over there!" Akira pushed You both left as you started seeing the two people you hold dear. "No.." you had that weird feeling surging through you again. "I won't lose another..." you whispered as you hopped off Kiara and started running towards the two.

"Kushina... I'm going to seal the nine tails in Naruto.." you heard Minato say. "Alright.." she answered as she dug her chains into the fox. Your body stopped moving as you watched the event roll out.-Why can't I move. God dammit Move already!- you screamed to yourself mentally.

"I won't let you seal me into that little brat!" The nine tails roared. "Ready Kushina..." Minato said with a smile. "Ready." She answered again. The nine tails growled as he swung his large claw at the two.

"No!!" You screamed running. "Yin-Yang style, Heavenly chain of dark" you said automatically causing large chains to pull you towards the two. Wrapping the chains around the tailed beast.

"Ugh..." you groaned as you stood in front the nine tails. You looked down as you had the large claw piercing through your stomach.

"Dammit.." you groaned as you coughed up blood. You looked at kushina and Minato who seemed to be in shock.

"Who are you..?" Minato asked as he smiled weak. You smiled back at him as you used your strength to wave. You thought clearly of the words to say as you chuckled slightly of the memory.

"Minato I promise I will always protect you, even if that means sacrificing my life. You will always be my best friend no matter what happens." You say as tears rolled down your eyes.

Minato eyes widened as Kushina stood there crying.
"Y-Y/N!" He stuttered. "Ha.. l-long time no see huh?" You said as you coughed up another large amount of blood.

"Minato please hurry... our chains won't hold forever..." kushina say ever so slightly. You smiled as you started doing the hand signs.

"Curse s-sealing j-justu.." you said as blood streamed down your mouth. "No! Y/N!" Minato yelled.

"Don't you dare!" Nine tails growled as he twisted his claw in your stomach. You winced as seen Kiara and Akira running up too you.

"Y/N~sama!" Akira yelled as he was about to attack. "No! Akira get away before you g-get hurt... you too Kiara... that's an order!" you say as the sealing jutsu was taking process.

You were finally ready as placed the jutsu on narutos stomach. You heard the nine tails roar as he was being sealed away.

"J-Jutsu.. complete.." you say as you fell to the ground. You could feel you spirit drifting away as if you were being pulled from the world.

"Y/N! Y/N!!" You seen Minato holding you. You smiled as you caressed his cheek.

"Minato..." you smiled at him. Tears rolled down your face as he wiped them with his thumb. "Minato.. I've kept my promise.." you say as you chuckled. He listened while his grip grew stronger around you. "M-Minato..?" You questioned weakly. "I'm here Y/N, E-Everything is going to be okay." He said while he grew teary eyed.

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