☼ Chapter Six ☼

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Chapter six: Unknown Justu

Minatos p.o.v

I seen Y/N whisper to herself as Niyo suddenly fell to his knees screaming in agony. "Niyo!" I hollered as kakashi got a worried expression. I quickly ran to niyo as Y/N stood there with a dark smile.

"Y/N! What did you do!" I asked shaking her arms. "Nothing really..." she said with a shrug. "Y/N." I yelled aggressively, she jumped by surprise and rolled her eyes. "Fine.. I just put him in a genjustu.." she says looking back at niyo who is shaking from fright.


Niyo stopped moving and is now asleep. "Hey Y/N what was that?" Kakashi asked her as he stepped over niyos sleeping body. "Who is this short shrimp Minato~kun." She said avoiding the original topic. "Hatake Kakashi." He said greeting her.

"Hm... Hatake... I'm L/N Y/N but just call me y/n " She says as they shook hands. I stood there dumbfounded at their introductions. "Minato~kun can you carry Niyo~kun!" She asked slyly.

"Fine, let's go back to my place." I said as I picked up the sleeping figure and vanished from their sight.

What type of genjustu would give a person that much physical pain...

Readers p.o.v

"Wow he just leaves us behind." You said to kakashi as he just shrugged it off and ran away. "Wow and you leave me too!" You shoot at him as he left in the other direction. "God men these days..." you whispered as you vanished to Minatos house.


"Y/N~Chan!!!" You were greeted by Kushina. "Hey Kushina." You smiled as you entered the house. "Did Minato get here yet?" You asked as you seen Niyo on the sofa. "Yeah but he said he had a little more work to finish up back at the office." She sighed as she went into the kitchen.

"Hey Kushina I heard you got a seed planted in you. By Darth Vader." You chuckled as you washed your hands to help cook. "W-Whhat!!!" Kushina hollered as she flushed red.

"So its true!" Your eyes beamed in eager. "Kushina let me see you belly!!" You lifted up her apron to see a small lump.

"Aww you already got a small lump." You spoke softly as you placed your hand onto her belly. "Sorry Kushina, I'm just really happy for a tiny you or Minato." You smiled as she stood there pouting...

"Y/N~chan I was thinking about something.." Kushina said as she fixed her apron and working her way to the stove.

"Yeah what's up?" You say as you started grabbing veggies placing them on a cutting board. "I wanted you to be our baby's godmother." She said bluntly turning back to me. My eyes widened as I was filled with emotions. "I would love to." You say as you hugged her slightly. "Alright we need to talk to Minato."

The door suddenly opened revealing the blonde man. "Speak of the devil." You smirked at him.
"Welcome home Minato." Kushina gave him a small kiss on the cheek as You waved.

"Minato, Kushina said yes." I smiled while pouring the cut veggies into the boiling water. "Yes to what?" He asked sitting down. "To my marriage proposal idiot." You grinned. "Y/C is going to be our godmother." Kushina hugged him as you took over the cooking.

"Really? That's amazing!" Minato hugged her back as You watched them with a smile-They sure are happy together...- you thought as you pushed your feelings aside.


"Niyo~kun wake up before I jump on you." You poked him. He responded with a groan as you grinned. "You asked for it big guy." You jumped on his back as you both ended up falling off the couch with a loud thud.

Kushina and Minato came running in as they seen you laughing as Niyo rubbing his head. "God Y/N that hurt." Niyo said standing up. You sat there looking at everyone from the view. Thoughts still lingering your mind.

"Y/N, come on let's leave it's getting late." Niyo said as he picked you up tossing you over his shoulder. "H-Hey! I wanted some miso soup!" You banged on his back. "Y/N stop squirming before I drop you."

"Please drop me! I need the food!" You said trying to wiggling out his grip. "Sorry lord fourth and Kushina. We'll head out now." He bowed his head as you whined.

He took you out the house as Minato and Kushina watch the event play out. He started running bringing you to a familiar place in the forest.

"Why are we here?" You asked while he placed you down. "What was the justu you used earlier?" He asked as his eyes shown no emotions. "Why?" You tilted your head.

"Y/N, I seen everything." He said grabbing your shoulders. You ignored his grip as you continued with your questions. "What do you mean, everything?" You questioned.

"Everything I wanted to forget! The pain and suffering I caused! The people I lost all that pain! Now stop playing dumb Y/N I'm serious with you!" His grib got stronger as you started to feel the pain.

"Tsk.." you pushed his hands away as you gave him a glare. "Sorry Niyo~kun, I guess I just got a little carried away. I don't even know how I'm able to preform this genjustu it just happened one day when I was on a mission. I've been searching everywhere to find out where it originated but it's difficult." You spoke the whole entire truth as you backed away from him.

"I'm sorry Niyo~kun, I caused you pain, forgive me." You bowed your head in forgiveness changing the tense atmosphere around you.

"Never mind Y/N. I forgive you, but we should both head home it's really late." He said as he started to take his leave.

"See you later." He said walking away. "Yeah...Bye." You say heading back to your apartment- Niyo... His mood seems to be different-. You think as you walked through the night.


I got by brother and sisters watching Magi 🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼 I'm so happy I need to get them into anime then k-pop and turned them into a complete weebo like me :D

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