☼ Chapter Eighteen ☼

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Chapter Eighteen: My Feelings

"Hello Kakashi, Guy it's nice seeing you two again..." you waved at the two teens. "Hello" they said in unison. "Where are you two heading?" You asked walking besides them.

"Oh we got another escorting mission. So we are heading to the entrance to met up with the person." Guy answered, with kakashi giving a nod.

"Oh... anyways bye." You started taking your leave because of the tough tension.-ugh I wonder if they found out about the kiss also... I mean it was on accident. It doesn't mean anything, right?- you thought as you find yourself walking to a particular gravestone outside through the vast forest.


"God I can think clearly.." you rubbed your temples sitting down in the grass. "Hello Niyo, sorry I haven't been by in awhile. You probably already know why I'm here..." you rested your head on the stone. "This is confusing. I'm not sure if I should acknowledge the stupid kiss or ignore it." You sighed loudly.

"Stupid feelings." You slapped your cheeks. "I better go before something bad happens again. Don't want that to happen!" You hopped back up, brushing the dirt off your clothes. "I'll come by every now and then, see you later!" You smiled running off.

You ran back to your house. Thinking about what kind of food it make tonight. "Cupcakes and... hm hot pot! Wait no.. I can't eat all that myself, the cupcakes would be good though so I'll stick with that." You talked to yourself.


"Who is it!?" You yelled waddling to the door with a large bowel filled with batter in your hands. Peeking through the peep hole you seen Minato and Naruto again.

You opened the door with one hand and rushed back to the kitchen. "Y/n?" Minato said as he walked into the kitchen with the Toddler follow him.
"Yeah?" You turned to him while dumping the batter into a large cupcake pan.

"What are you making?" He sat down letting Naruto run around. "What does it look like, cupcakes!" You threw a spoon at his forehead.

He rubbed the red mark with a half smile. "Sorry.." he apologized.

You Set the batch in the oven, turning on the timer. "So what brings you here late?" You washed your hands, taking off the apron.

"Y/n... Can I ask you something..?" He said making one of those dead serious faces. "Um yeah, here." You set some coffee down in front of him taking a seat.

Minatos P.O.V

She gave me a cup of coffee sitting down. I didn't really know what I was saying, but I really wanted to know what she thought about the 'accident'... that happened last night.

"Minato are you there?" She was snapping her hand at me pulling me away from my thoughts. "Oh yeah, sorry. Y/n I was wondering about last night.." I spoke up.

She stiffened as her face went completely red. She panicked and started waving her arms around. "Uhh W-What about last night?! I-I don't know!" She covered her face. I laughed at her expression and removed her hand from her face.

"Don't hide your face. I want to see all your expressions." I grinned. Her eyes widened as she flicked my forehead. "Don't say things like that, you cheesy idiot" her cheeks puffed as she pouted.

"Y/n... I really like you. I wanted to know how you feel about me." I skipped right too the point. She bite her bottom lip lowering her head.
"Excuse me for a moment..." she stood up about to take her leave. I grabbed her by the hand and turned her towards me.

Readers P.O.V

"I won't leave until I get your answer... Y/n..." he whispered. You stiffened, running upstairs to the bathroom.

"What do I do what do I do.." you panicked slamming the door. "Gahhhhh! Stupid stupid heart stop racing.." you clenched onto your chest.

"How do you answer a question like that Minato gosh..." you splashed some water on your face.

"Ugh I-I better go cook them dinner..." you groaned.


"Foods done!" You yelled as you finished putting frosting on half of the cupcakes, leaving the other side plain. You set the table and grabbed a high chair for Naruto.

"How do these baby things even end up in my house..." you looked at the chair. Minato walked in followed by the small toddler. You picked Naruto up and set him down in the chair strapping him in.

You made Naruto a small tray of food and set it down in front of him. Glancing over to Minato he was trying to steal a cupcake, you quickly slapped his hand away.

"Eat first." You pointed at the hot pot. "Ouch!" Minato listened as you both sat down. Naruto was already nibbling on some food from his small tray.

He started slapping the table causing his food to fly on his face. You walked over and wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Oh Naruto your so messy." You giggled.

Naruto chuckled as he started mouthing words. "D-Dthh.." he blowed. "Minato!" You yanked his arm pulling him over. "He's speaking!" You pointed out as Naruto struggled to say words. "Dtthhh da- dada." He smiled waved his hands at Minato.

"He said dada! He said me! He said dada!!!" Minato cheered. You clapped as Minato hugged you. "Great job Naruto." You picked him up. "But now since your done eating. It's time for bed." You ruffled his small hair.

"Minato do you want to put Naruto to bed? I think your faster at doing this." You asked. "Sure." He agreed taking Naruto to his room in the back.

You started to clean as you could hear Naruto speaking little by little in the background. Soon it was silent.

"The meadow of flowers ~ hmm ~ the lamp of a star ~ hmmm ~ love will always take flight mhmm please sleep tight" you hummed mothers lullaby.

"That's a nice melody.." Minato popped out of nowhere, You continued cleaning "Thanks... it was a lullaby from my m-."

Minato cut you off as he pulled you into another hug. "Umm Minato is something wrong? You've been popping my personal bubble a looott lately" you exclaimed.

"Nothing, I just enjoy hugging you." He muffled. "Well less hugging and more cleaning." You slapped his head, pushing him off.

"Oh and about earlier... I'm still confused , so please don't rush..." you smiled.

"so does that mean I have a chance.." Minato questioned. "No." You said bluntly. He made a frown as he regret asking that question. You chuckled at his expression. "Just kidding its a maybe" You flicked his forehead.

"A-Alright, I'll wait for you than Y/n.. I won't stop until your feelings match mine" he gave a cheeky smile. "You're so cheesy... I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight.. Minato." You turned off the light leaving him in the dark. - Minato you stupid idiot my feelings already match yours...- you thought as night came.

Let's just say this chapter is all over the place. I have no idea what in the world I was thinking when I was writing this.👣

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