Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter Twenty-five: Now


"Sachiya! Come back here!" I chased after my daughter as she ran around the house wearing Minatos old childhood clothes.

"I'm home!" Naruto chimed closing the door. I quickly looked up and seen Naruto staring at me and the little girl.

Shachiya ran over to Naruto hugging his legs. Me panicking as Naruto was staring at her outfit.

"I want to wear one too!" He ran upstairs. I could hear loud rumbling noises as he came back down wearing Minatos white and black sweater.

"I got you one too, okaasan!" He flashed me a smile running over to my side. Handing me a dark blue long sleeve. "Naruto, Minato is going to get mad." I looked at the two children who were wearing their fathers old clothes.

Naruto wiggled his eyebrows peeking from behind the shirt. "Sachiya what do you think." I asked the little girl she giggled crawling on my lap.

"See imouto agrees." He tossed the shirt to me. Sighing in defeat I walked over to the bathroom changing into the large shirt. It went down to my knees. Covering my shorts. I let my hair down. Running back out the bathroom.

"Now let all battle." I smirked as I pretended to do Minatos Justus. Naruto laughed as Sachiya laughed running around.

"Pew pew!" Naruto acted like he throw a shuriken. I acted like a was hit and fell down. The two kids crawled onto me laughing. "Rasengan!" I chuckled as a shadow clone acted like she was attacking the kids.

Naruto screamed in a good way. Sachiya simply picked up a pillow from the couch hitting the clone making it poof away.

"All hail the powerful Sachiya!" I praised as Naruto followed.

I heard the door unlock, and footsteps walk into the house.

"Sage mo-" naruto stopped running as Minato turned the corner staring at all of us. Sachiya clapped and giggled. "M-Minato... you're home early.." I pulled down the long shirt as Naruto sweat dropped.

".." Minato stayed quiet as he gazed at our outfits. He stopped at me, looking up and down. He's face went red as a small nosebleed appeared.

"Cute." He whispered covering his face. I blushed as Naruto and Sachiya attacked Minato with a large hug.

I walked over joining them. Kissing the kids forehead and Minato on the lips.

"Welcome home."


Bonus; (further in the future)

"We were happy, are so I thought, and that's my story... now Kabuto tell me yours." You smirked deadly as your eyes filled with hatred and sorrow.


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