☼ Chapter Four ☼

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Chapter Four: Girlfriend?

Second p.o.v

You woke up as you were sleeping on something lumpy but soft at the same time. Rubbing your eyes, You seen you were on Minatos chest while he was fast asleep.

"Ek!" You rolled causing him to wake up finding you on the floor. "Y/N? What are you doing?" He said yawning.

"Ohh, I'm just umm doing my morning workout... haha.." you chuckled as you pretended to reach for your toes.

"Your weird." He laughed as he stood up and walked to the bathroom. You sat there as you heard a small knock on the door.

Walking over you stood on your tippy toes and peeked through the small lens to see who is was.

"Kushina?" You opened the door and smiled. "Hello Kushina what brings you here ?" You questioned as you let her in.

"Oh hi y/n~chan it's been awhile hasn't it. I just came here because I'm looking for Minato." She said as she walked over to the sofa.

"Oh yeah, um he's in the bathroom right now." You said as you made your way over to the fridge, grabbing some leftover dumplings. "Hey Kushina do you want some dumplings? I got lots!" You say as you quickly warmed them up.

"No thank y/n~chan I'm on a all ramen diet ya know!" She said proudly said with a thumbs up. "Kushina?" Minato walked out as he seen the red head sitting on the sofa and you gobbling down dumplings.

"Hey Minato~kun! Are you ready?" Kushina responded happily. "Ready for what?" Minato asked as he sat next to her.-I feel so forgotten, even in my own apartment... wow that hurts-. You thought as you watched the scene.

"For our date idiot. You said on Tuesday that you and me will go train together and head for some ramen."

You quickly swallowed your food as it got caught in your throat causing you to choke. You started pounding on the counter trying to get their attention. Kushina quickly ran to you as she did a powerful Heimlich maneuver. You spit out the dumpling as it went flying.

Cough cough**

"Y/L are you alright? You shouldn't eat dumplings like that." She said patting your back. "Thanks Kushina, your a real lifesaver." You looked up and seen Minato who had a slobbery dumpling on his forehead but a glass of water in his hand.

"S-Sorry Minato!" You panicked grabbing napkins. "It's alright Y/L, here drink" he said with a smile ignoring the dumpling. Kushina started laughing at Minato as You couldn't hold in your laugh either.

"Haha!" Kushina held her stomach pointing at Minatos forehead. "P-Pffftt haha!" You laughed along side her as you both made fun of him.

He stood there with an annoyed look but you both couldn't care less. "Minato~kun? Pfft did you enjoy the flying dumpling? Hahaha!" Kushina fell to the floor from laughter.

"Come on guys it's not that funny..." Minato said as he wiped away food away. "Oh yes it is Mr.Boringpants." you said as you wiped a tear of laughter away. Kushina stood up as she took deep breaths.

"Ahh what a nice laugh." Minato says sarcastically crossing his arms. "Yup it was indeed." You smirked.

"Anyways Minato would you like to go now?" Kushina asked bringing back the topic. "Oh yeah let's go." He said grabbing her hand.

You stared at their hands as they both intertwined. The feeling of jealousy overwhelmed you as you tried to figure out a way to break them apart.

"Wait you guys are going to train? Can I come?" You asked before they left out the door.

"Sorry Y/L it's umm a date?" Minato said as he faintly blushed while Kushina stood there not saying anything.

"Oh so you guys are like uhh dating? You know that boyfriend and girlfriend stuff..." you asked trying to seek some answers.

"Yeah, we started dating a couple days ago." Minato smiled as he tossed his arm around Kushina. You noticed she was the shade of her hair color. Trying to hide it by lowering her head.

"Oh.. Congratulations Minato! You two will be a great couple I know it!" You blurted out giving them both a fake smile.

"Well I don't want to hold you back from your date. Now go I'll see you both later." You smiled scooting them out your door.

"See you later Y/L~chan." Kushina said with a wave. All you did was smile and watch them walk away.

You closed the door as you felt a major pain in your chest. It was aching, throbbing and you just couldn't stand it. You collapsed to the floor as you leaned against the door.

"Girlfriend... Huh?" You curled up into a ball as you tried to stop the pain.

"Go away... It hurts..." you sobbed clinging your hand on the left side of your chest. "Stupid feeling go away!"


The day flew passed like no other as you stayed home all day sobbing your eyes out. You were emotionless just staring at the ceiling of your room. It was like your senses became stronger as you could hear the adults outside. Your vision was blurry only from the tears as everything seemed to be more clear.

"I'm his best friend I have to support him... My feelings cannot get in the way, no matter how bad it hurts... I will protect him and whatever makes him happy." You utter making a vow to yourself.


The book is not going to be long so next chapter is going to be a MAJORRRR timeskip. 🤙🏼🤙🏼 See you later.

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