☼ Chapter Eight ☼

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Chapter Eight: Destruction
"Orochimaru... I'm going to kill you." You stated bluntly with a dark smile as Your eyes beamed with excitement.

You smiled at the man as strange feelings started flowing through you. You gripped onto the collar and pulled the chain. You ignored the paralyzingly pain and easily broke it.

"You killed him..." you murmured as you finally released your anger. Your chakra became visible as it was flickering dark and light colors. "You killed him.." you murmured again.

You could feel it. Your emotions piling onto each other, burying you with unknown strength.

"Exquisite... My beautiful gem what lovely power you hold! Let me take you! All of you!" Orochimaru yelled with eyes showing eager intentions. "Give me your power! My dear Y/N you were worth the wait!"

You ignored the mans words as you let yourself get sucked into the darkness. Your eyes went dull, as you lost control over your body.

"You killed him..." you uttered again. As you suddenly vanished from orochimaru sight. He stood there laughing to himself as you let your body command itself.

"I'll kill you." You whispered as you appeared behind orochimaru sending him flying across the room.

He groaned while a smirk crawled its way up onto his face. "It seems this is going to be a fun short battle how about we take this outside!" Orochimaru hollered while summoning a gigantic snake. The snake slithered towards you, slightly avoiding the attack you watched the man leave.

"Yin style, piercing blades." You said bluntly as two large ōdachi swords flashed before you. You hurriedly followed the snake outside. The sunlight stunned your eyes.

"Ugh.." you grunted covering your face. "Over here my lovely." Orochimaru said as snakes started to surround you.

"Tch, Your snakes are nothing." You say as you easily spun slicing the heads and bodys that belong to the reptiles. You smiled at the dead figures while you enjoyed the killing.

"Your next." You said pointing your slimy sword at the man. He grinned as you can easily tell he was amazed.

"Don't get too cocky my dear.." orochimaru presence came from behind. You felt something pierce your nape. You jumped up avoiding the following attack while holding the sensitive part of you neck.

"Stop toying with me orochimaru.. your hiding something." You said as you landed swiftly on the ground. The wind blew as it touched you bare skin sending a cold elastic feeling through you. Thoughts ran around in your mind.

"Toying..? Whatever do you mean?" He said. Irritation overcame you as you calmed yourself down. Becoming one with your natural surroundings. The wind, the earth and nature itself. You began to feel small amounts of pressure releasing. While your senses became stronger.

"Oh well... Let's finish this..." you whisper as you moved quickly. Orochimaru was one step ahead as he blocked you sword, knocking it out your hand.

"Show me more power Y/N!" He gave you a creepy smiled while sending a snake after your arms.-Kill.. kill... kill Him!!- a voice shouted in your mind.

"Kill..." you dozed off. The snakes bit into your skin as you didn't feel any pain. "Kill..." you said again as you slowly started walking towards the astonished man.

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