♡Valentine's Day special!♡

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Special: Valentine's Games!

"Ugh Mikoto, so who am I suppose to talk with for the rest of the day..?" You pouted as you walked with the Uchiha through the streets.

"Don't be sad Y/n, most likely someone will ask you to be their valentine, I mean you or really pretty!" She complimented you. "Yeah right, that's very funny. Boys tend to find me umm less feminine..?" You sighed as you looked around at the lovers.

"Well, I have to go. I have to go cook a storm for the boys." Mikoto grinned waving you goodbye.

Waving back you sighed and went back to your apartment. The village was more lively and lots of couples were outside together. "Stupid Valentine's Day." You walked over to a the small bookshelf. Skimming through the hard covers.

"Hm, maybe I'll read this one kakashi, recommended." You took out the orange covered book.

"Icha Icha paradise huh..?" You stared at image of the man chasing the female.


"Omg, t-this is to much! H-how can kakashi read this!" You rubbed your temples knowing how perverted the boy actually is.

"B-But I mean, I really do want to know what happens next.." you blushed picking up the book reading more.

All day you read the disgraceful book, but it hooked you. You couldn't stop reading until you asleep. On the sofa. Little did you know that your dear friend was coming over for a visit.


Minato entered your apartment, seeing you sleeping on the couch with the book laying on your face.

"Oh boy.." he sweat-dropped walking over to your side. Slightly shaking your shoulders causing you to roll around.

"One more hour.." you drooled hugging the small pillows. "Y/n... Wake up, I brought you some dumpling and chocolate." Minato mumbled shaking you again softly.

"Leave me alone, perv." You rolled again dreaming about the book. Minato was puzzled staring at you wide eyed. He took the book from you, reading the description.

"Y/n, you're into this kinda stuff..." Minato blushed as he read more and more. "Don't hurt me.." you groaned tossing and turning in your sleep.

Minato sighed as he shook you a little more harder, waking you up.

"I-I don't love yo- oh..." you greeted those crystal blue eyes. As he had tinted cheeks, glancing you seen he was holding Icha Icha paradise.

"I-I can explain! I'm not like that Minato! I-I'm just reading it because Kakashi recommended it-" Minato smiled handing you a small bag filled with dumplings with some chocolate.


"T-Thanks...?" you blushed, accepting the gift. Minato sat next to you turning on a movie. It was quiet for awhile before you remembered something.

"Minato!" You interrupted him from his show. He stared at you with a questioning look. "Since its Valentine's Day and all, let's play a game." You smirked.

"What game?" He asked lifting up an eyebrow. Chuckling you ran into the kitchen dumping the water out your vase taking the Rose.

"What's that for?" Minato asked as he was over your shoulder. "The game idiot." You sat down at the table with him following.

"Ok the game is called Lovely Rose, rules are one person has to stay blinded folded for the whole entire round, if you take off the blindfold you'll automatically loose. Second the person who holds the Rose has the power to mess with the blindfolded, Third the winner is determined if the person with the blindfold takes down the person or holds the Rose. Get it?" You explained.

"So if you're blindfolded, all you have to do is take down the person or get the Rose?" Minato asked grinning. "Mhm, yeah." You nodded holding onto the Rose in your hand.

"So when do we start?" He asked. "Now." You smirked running to your room grabbing a blindfold.

"Minato you're the blindfolded one first!" You flashed behind him wrapping the blindfold around his eyes. He shrugged and nodded.

"Okay can you see?" You waved your hands in his face. "No." He stuck his hands out walking with caution.

"Alright I have the Rose. We are only staying in the apartment." You assured him. He nodded as you started the game.
"Hey you cheated!" You struggled under his grip. Minato had you pinned to the floor with the Rose In His mouth. Letting go of one of your hands he took of the blindfold wrapping it around your head.

"Let's change the game..." he said quietly as your breathing became rough do to his soft whispers.
"I-I don't wanna play your game!" You said turning your head.

"Aw y/n is scared because she knows I'm gonna win." He teased. You bit down on your lips growing aggravated. "Damn you Minato, only once! I'll prove you wrong idiot!" Your competitive side started to show.

Minato brought you to the couch, placing you next to him. Opening something you got curious.

"Alright here. Open your mouth." He said. "Huh?! N-No Minato!" You shook your head furiously.

"Y/n, it's just a candy." He said, the smell of pocky hit your nose as he brought to your face.
"F-Fine, the sweet side though." You opened you mouth a little as Minato placed the stick between your lips, he did the same to the other side. You couldn't stared into his eyes, due to the blindfold. So you didn't know how far he was, but you can tell he was very close. slowly biting down everytime your heart pounded when He did the same.

Every bite, you're lips became closer and closer. You could only see the darkness of the blindfold. Although you could obviously tell he was smirking. You getting irritated once more, chewed a little bit more of the pocky than expected.

Minato widened his eyes, as you were now the one in the lead. 3 inches, 2, 1... You stopped moving as you felt his nose brush against yours, already knowing the next bite your lips would touch.

Minato grinned as he finished the pocky attacking you with a deep and hungry kiss. "Mphtt!" You fell backwards laying down on the couch. Minato uncontrollably kissing you.

You slowly accepted the kiss, moving in his rhythm. His lips were soft and warm, very inviting. He deepened the kiss making it more and more passionate.

He licked the bottom of your lip asking for entrance. You smiled not letting him in. As for revenge, He moved his hand to your thigh causing you to let out a small screech.

Taking it to an advantage, he slipped his tongue in your mouth. Fighting for dominance, you gave up quickly and let him explore.

The kiss was long which seemed like hours. You pulled away only leaving a string of saliva. "Y/n happy Valentine's Day ..." Minato whispered smirking like a corky idiot. You blushed madly punching him off you.

"I-Idiot!" You hid your embarrassment. By covering your face. Minato slightly chuckled, As Valentine's Day didn't turn out so bad.

Happy Valentine's Day People!! Sorry if it's cringeworthy special..(*'︶'*)╯♡(≧∀≦)

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