☼ Chapter Three ☼

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Chapter Three: My Promise.

Minatos p.o.v

"Minato~kun! Can we go get some ramen!" Kushina asked me. "Yeah I'll pay." I answered her as her eyes were filled with excitement.

I haven't seen Y/N for the longest time now.. I'm really worried. I had a weird feeling yesterday it's been bothering me ever since. On the other hand me and Kushina started dating... Ever since the weird kidnap event two days ago I confessed to her, she felt the same way so that what brought us here.

"Minato~kun!" She says waving her hands in my face."S-Sorry Kushina I was thinking about something.." I replied quickly.

"What are you thinking about?" She asked while she had her face stuffed with ramen. "You remember my best friend Y/N L/N?" I said as I also began to eat.

"Yeah, the quiet girl with H/C hair and E/C eyes." Kushina said as she ordered another bowel. "Mhm, it's just I been having a bad feeling like something happened and I wasn't there to help..." I sighed as I stared at the bowel filled with noodles.

"Then why don't you go check up on her?" Kushina asked as she stopped eating. "Are you ok if I do?" I looked surprised as I was expecting her to say no. "She's your best friend isn't she? You should never leave your best friend alone." She said grabbing my ramen and finishing it.

"Alright, I'll see you later and here is the money for the ramen. Bye Kushina!" I waved to her as she smiled back.

"Y/N please wait for me.." I whispered as I ran my fastest to her apartment.


"Y/N are you home?" I knocked before I entered the house. Nobody was there. "Where could she be..." I stood there as I came up with an idea.

I was running to our old hangout spot which was the tree we both carved our names into. I started to sense a familiar chakra as I seen a figure up ahead.

I looked at the tree and seen the bark was all busted. As our initials had a crack through it separating me and Y/N name.

"Y/N...?" I asked walking around the tree so see she was drawing. "M-Minato..?" She looked up and covered her art.

"Hey long time no see huh...?" I said sitting down next to her. She didn't answer me as she seemed sad.

"Y/N is something the matter..?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at the sky. As the sun drowned in the horizon. Leaving a trail of pink arrays behind. She stood up and grabbed ahold of my hand.

"Come on." She said as she started to walk up the tree I was surprised because she was usually scared of heights.
I followed her up as she made it to the same branch we always used to sit and watch the sunset.

I looked at her as she was staring at the orange horizon as her eyes glowed with mixed emotions. She was waiting for the right time to say something I know it.

"Minato.." she then said as she kept her eyes locked on the sun receding further away from us.

Readers p.o.v 👀


"Yes Y/N?" He asked looking at me. I kept my eyes on the sunset as mixed feeling filled my body.
"Minato I promise I will always protect you, even if that means sacrificing my life. You will always be my best friend no matter what happens." I say as I turned and gave him a small smile.

"Y-Y/N..." he stumbled with his words as I looked down at the ground before jumping from the tree. He followed as I cut him off before he said anything.

"Minato... why did you stop talking to me...?" I asked turning towards him. "Why did you leave me..?"

"Y/N I'm sorry... it's just that, I had important things to do.." he said staring down at the ground. "Minato. You broke your promise." I stated bluntly looking at him with a frustrated expression.

"W-What.. Y/N.. What happened?!" He yelled grabbing ahold of my arms. "Minato I-I almost died two day ago. Y-You weren't there... to protect me..." I said shaking his hands off my arms.

He stood there wide eyed unable to speak. "You broke your promise Minato! I was in the hospital for these past two days! You didn't even bother to come check on me!" I yelled as my anger showed itself in tears.

"Why did you lie to me Minato! I've experienced so much pain ever since you left me! We are supposed to be best friends, you can't just disappear and then come back like everything is alright!" I hollered as tears streamed down my face. "Y-Y/N... I'm sorry..." he said pulling me into a hug.

My knees grew weak as I fell to the ground. "Why Minato..." I asked as I hide my tears in his chest. "I'm sorry Y/N I'm sorry!" He tightened his grib around me as I sat there not denying his hold.

I missed him, I admit everything I missed having him around me, him comforting me, holding me, smiling, just giving me his attention. I missed all of it. But that doesn't mean I'll forgive him so easily.

"Minato let me go.." I said as I pushed him away. He tightened his hold as I heard his small sniffles-He is crying...?-. Minato let me go as we sat there with puffy eyes.

"Y/N is there anyway I can make it up to you..." He asked breaking the small silence. "I won't forgive that easily Minato... But I will give you a second chance." I say standing up walking away.

"Y/N hold up.." Minato followed as we walked in awkward silence.


"I'll have the usual." I stated as I sat down at a small table. "I'll have the anmistu.." Minato said sitting across from me.

"So um Y/N how have you been..?" He asked nervously. -Stupid question Minato-...

"Oh I been alright besides the time I almost got kidnapped, had a kunai stabbed into my back twice, and being in a hospital room with no one to talk to for past two days. Yeah everything is just great!" I say sarcastically.

"S-Sorry..." he said as the lady delivered our food. I hurriedly asked the lady if I could have mine to go. As she simply nodded and left to bring me a bag.

"Well it was fun seeing you Minato. Hope you enjoy your dessert, here is the money." I said tossing him the change.

"Wait Y/N let me walk you home..?" He said with pleading eyes. I stare for awhile before I nod. I say my goodbye to the owners of the dango shop and we leave with our food.

Silence fell over us once more as shivered at the cold breeze. "Um here Y/N." Minato handed home his jacket. I denied while picking up my pace.

We arrived at my apartment as I thanked him for walking me home. I said my goodnights and closed the door.

Knock knock~~

I sighed as I walked back to the door and seen Minato still standing there. "Yes?" I asked as I stood there impatiently.

"May I spend the night?" He asked while staring at the ground. I was surprised by his sudden question.
"Why Minato?"

"Because Im nervous about you being alone now! I don't want you to get hurt again!" He blurted out as he quickly covered his mouth. My heart jumped at the words flowed into my ears-Stupid feeling..- I groaned as I slowly opened the door for him.

"Idiot... come in." I smiled a little as he walked in.- Why is it so hard for me to stay mad you? Stupid Minato-.

As the night grew Minato and I watched a couple movies and ate our desserts. We laughed and even had normal conversations. It felt like old times again. What we didn't know is that for that whole afternoon we spent together we were being watched by a certain red head.


Food.. 🤤🤤🤤

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