☼ Chapter One ☼

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Chapter One: New Transfer Student

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I woke up to the sound of a loud annoying bird sitting at my window as the sun shined through the curtains beaming at my face.

"Ahhh! My eyes take cover!" I yelled as fell out my bed. "Ugh, ouchie..." I rubbed my butt. As I stood up checking the time.

"Oh no! I'm going to be late for school!" I rushed bathroom and did my business as I quickly jumped in a some random clothes. "Ugh I can't find my shoes.." I looked around the house as I then peeked in the closet. "Found ya you little bastard." I shoved my feet in the shoes and rushed out to the academy.

Me and Minato started going to the academy a couple months ago. He is really smart, he is always like two steps ahead of the teacher. But when the times right he just becomes a major idiot. Me on the other hand, I tend to stay low and away from the crowd. I'm still not used to having that many friends.

"I'm late!" I ran faster through the streets as I then arrived in front of the academy doors. I entered as I walked quickly to my home room.

I stood by entrance as I opened it quietly. Walking into the room while the other student were all acting like wild animals basically yelling and screaming. I looked around and noticed there was no teacher.

I sighed in relief and made my way to the back of the class. "Hey, Y/N... U-Umm I-I was wonder I-If you um you know w-wanted to hangout with m-me afterschool?" A boy with brown hair and brown eyes asked me. I zoned out by his question.-Did he just ask me out on a DaTE?!-. I thought as my subconscious was freaking out, everything was burning as mini me's we're throwing paper everywhere.

"Y/N, Niyo just asked you a question aren't you going to answer?" I turned around and seen Minato with a sheepish grin. "O-Oh yeah sorry Niyo but I have plans tonight maybe another time..." I smiled at him as he turned into a tomato and walked away. I heard him mumbling as he said the most creepiest thing.

"So I still have a chance, don't worry Y/N you'll fall for me one day." He chuckled.

His words sent a shiver down my spine as I looked back at Minato who was already laughing his butt off. "It's not funny!" I playfully punched his arm. "It was too!" He said as he continued laughing "Your ugly. When you laugh." I say as I couldn't think of any comeback.

"Y/N, are you saying my face is cute when I don't laugh" He smirked while he wiggled his eyebrows. I blinked as I slowly processed his words, I felt heat rise up to my cheeks. "N-No, I-I didn't mean it like that!" I said cover my face.

"Haha, Y/N~chan you are weird." He laughed at my embarrassing moment as I sat there pouting. I heard two claps as I knew the teacher finally arrived.

"Sorry students, there is important business today so class is dismissed for everyone." He said as he left the room.

"Wow.. I could've just stayed home and sleep.." I said out loud as I felt eyes on me. Just to turn around to see it was that one boy Niyo and a couple of his friends.

"Eh... I better leave." I snuck out the classroom and made my way into the forest. "Hmm what shall I do today?" I tapped on my chin. I felt a familiar presence behind me, I ignored it.-Minato you are horrible at hiding you chakra... it's actually really cute how you even try to scare me-. I thought as I continued walking to the tree.

The presence grew closer and closer. "Boo!" Minato cried out as he tackled me. I smirked at him as there was a sudden poof. "Hey, no fair you used the substitution jutsu!" He cried as I hid in a nearby bush watching him.

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