Chapter Twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-four: Wedding

"Y/n you look so pretty!" Mikoto chimed as you stared in the mirror. Your white dress dragged behind you as your hair was curled up in a fancy way. Makeup slightly powdered on your face.

"I feel weird Mikoto~chan.." you turned to her crossing your arms. Your stomach was swirling and you felt like your heart was wanting to run away.

"It's alright Y/n! I had that feeling too, your just nervous. It's not everyday your gonna get married." She chuckled fluffing the dress. "B-But what if I'm not sure.." you looked at her with worry. She popped up, her eyes showing a serious look. It was never like her to act like this, well not in front of you.

"Y/n, do you love him." She questioned.
"Of course I do but-"
"Do you feel the same way he does? Do you get butterflies when you're around him? Is he the one that makes you happy when your sad?" She stared deep into your eyes searching for something.

"Yes, I do..." you uttered biting onto your finger, blushing to admit your feelings.

"Y/n, that's love dummy" she chuckled, smiling you nodded.

*knock knock*

"Is she ready?" A lady with long blonde hair walked in, her eyes a light blue like Minatos. "Yes she is." Mikoto smiled, shoving me ahead.

"U-Umm, yeah I-I'm ready..." you stuttered picking up your dress to walk. The lady 'awed' grabbing ahold of your arm, helping you walk.

"You look beautiful Y/n. Minato has always loved you, you should have seen him when he was little. Pfft everytime he came home, he would tell me and his father about how you and him hung out and how your really pretty. And that's not even all of it." She giggled.

"H-Huh...?!? I-I ummm whaatt!?" You flushed red as you looked away squishing your cheeks. 'Stupid stupid stupid' you kept walking your heart getting faster as the doors leading outside came into view.

A figure appeared as you smiled rushing over to him.

"You look lovely my child." Sarutobi said nodding to Minatos mother. She left outside the doors. "You ready?" He asked wrapping his arms with yours.

"Ready as I'll ever be.." you blushed, as you heard music start playing outside. He opened the door being greeted by the day light.


"Y/n, I vow I will always be with you. Love you cherish you, protect you, to be loyal and so much more. You make me happy and make my heart skip 10,000 miles per seconds. You're Everything I could ever ask for, I belong to you. You are my joy and happiness. You craved your way into my heart. Ever since the day we met, you changed me. Showed me a new world, I want to spend my life with you. You will Always the light in my life and always will be. I love you I truly do."

Your stared into his eyes and seen he was getting emotional. Smiling you nodded as the small person told you to say your vows.

"Minato, I know it's been a long run. A lot of things happened between you and me. We lost and loved felt many other emotions.... and I'm here today surprisingly. I deeply love you. Even if you didn't know you saved me from a horrible childhood turning it into a new experience. My first friend, best friend in fact. All those funny and loving memories we made. I want to make more... You are my first love, I'll give my life for you. And I truly believe this is true love."

You smiled as small tears showed in the corner of your eyes.

"And with this, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The small person said closing his book.

Minato smirked, attacking you with a kiss. You could hear the 'awes' in the crowd and the little children saying 'ew' or 'blah'.

"Well, that's was nice Mrs. Namikaze." Minato rested his forehead on yours. You chuckled as everyone started clapping for you both.

After party

"Mikoto! Hey fugaku your wife eating all the dumpling." You whined. He just sighed walking over to mikoto dragging her away.

"Pft look at sasuke eating that tomato over there, thinking he's cool." Naruto grumbled as he walked around your dress. You laughed patting him on the head.

"Go say hi Naruto, you can always make new friends. There seems to be many people here, more than I expected." You looked around pointing over in kid sections. Naruto looked over and started smiling.

"Sakura~chan is here! See you later okaasan!" He waved. You stared wide eyed, by his words 'okaasan'... holding onto your chest you smiled.

"What you smiling Mrs. Namikaze." Minato flashed behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. Giggling, you turned to him. "Nothing, my dear husband." You flicked his forehead, making a red mark appear.

"Ouch Y/n that hurt." He rubbed his head then squishing your cheeks. "Sorryyyy!!" You tried getting his hands off your face.

"Don't worry, I'll get you tonight." He whispered in your ear, flashing away again. Leaving you in the small yet large crowd.

'Don't worry I'll get you tonight...' was the only words ringing in your head.

"What does he mean by that, if he wants to fight we can go right now." You shrugged eating some dumplings.

Later that night...

"Ugh finally! I can get out this outfit! I will never get used to heels.." you sighed opening the door to yours and Minatos house.

Naruto was fast asleep on Minatos back. "I'm gonna change and head to bed. Do you want me to tuck him in?" You asked. He nodded handing you the sleeping boy.

Walking to his room you opened the door laying him in the bed. "Today was fun, wasn't it Naruto." You chuckled tucking him in.

"Y/n, i forgot to ask b-ut can I call you ok-aasan..?" He yawned slightly waking up a little. You walked back over sitting on his bedside.

"I don't mind Naruto, whatever makes you happy I'll be fine." You ruffled his head, kissing his forehead.

"Now get some sleep little boy, you got school tomorrow." You turned the light off, leaving his room. He fell asleep real quick and you smiled. Leaving the room you closed the door behind you.

"Done?" Minato was walking towards you already in his pjs. "Mhm, now I'm gonna go change." You walked upstairs into your room.

You took all the ornaments out your hair. Brushing all the small naps out. Waddling to your small walk-in closet you started taking off the tight dress.

Warm hands wrapped around you waist pulling you close. "You smell nice." Minato whispered as he placed his lips on the side of your neck. You shivered as he started kissing your bare skin. A soft moan escaped your lips. As he found your sweet spot.

"May I y/n.." he asked for consent in a calm voice. You nodded turning around. Kissing your husband deeply and passionately. Letting all your emotions out in one kiss.

That night you made love with the person you love. He was gentle and caring. Knowing it was only your first time. It's was a Unforgettable moment, you will always remember...

Almost done! Guys one more chapter!!!
(☝︎ ՞ ՞)☝︎

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