☼ Chapter Eleven ☼

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Chapter Eleven: The In-between part 2.
"Holy buckets. In the name of dumplings..." you flinched as you watched a group of people Barge into the house smashing everything.

The group of men started smashing the furniture and searching the house you observed as one of the males stood above the specific floor bored.

"Nothing here." A man walked out the back room. "Same here.." the dude said. He looked down at the floor bored than backed up with a stern face. "Ugh the brat got away. Hurry up and light this place." He groaned as he left the house. The man who was standing on the floor bored quickly picked it up revealing your childhood self crying.

"Hurry run.." he whispered to her as she nodded leaving out the back door. He than did hand signals releasing a fire jutsu.

"He saved me...?" You questioned yourself as you continued watching the scene.

Everything started to fade black as you started falling again. "I'm never going to get used to this!!!" You screamed as you landed on a ground. You looked around as you seen you were running through the woods.

"W-Where do I go..." the little girl cried. She was running as her feet were bleeding from being barefoot.

"M-Mommy... where are you!" She whined as a group of people appeared around her.

"She's just a little girl.." one of them spoke as they watched the little one fall to her bum. "W-Where is my mommy...?" She questioned them with tears streaming down her eyes.

"Should we take her back to the leaf, sensei?" A young female asked stepping towards the child. "We can't she could be a threat to everyone." His deep voice rung. "Come on we can't leave her here.." another boy said picking her up wiping her tears.

"Yeah let's bring her back! We can talk with the hokage!" The girl added as she smiled at the young one.

"Ugh fine..." the man said as he started walking away. "You here that little girl we are going to give you a home." The boy said patting her head. She smiled as she fell asleep in his arms.

"So... That's how I was brought into the leaf village..." you placed your fingers on your chin as you had that weird feeling again.

You were falling through pitch darkness as you started to see flashes around you showing you moments of your foster families. Pain and grief overcame you as you covered your eyes.. it was like a horror movie but realistic.

The sounds of yelling and crying were ringing in your ears as you suddenly landed on the ground again.

"Someone make this stop..." you curled in a ball hiding your face. You heard a soothing voice as you peeked seeing a small blonde boy.

"Hello my name is Minato Namikaze, and you?" He smiled. "U-Ummm.. M-My name is Y/N L/N..." you stammered as your cheeks glowed pink.

"Hehe Nice to meet you Y/N! Let's be friends." He chuckled holding his hand out towards you.You stared at his cheeky smile as You blushed turning away. "What's wrong Y/N, Don't you want to be friends?" He questioned while trying to get a view of your face.

"This is when I first met Minato..." you say stating the obvious. The area started flashing as the lights changed color. "Ehhh... what's happening now.!!!" You looked around preparing yourself for another fall. Instead the images started changing around you showing, you pictures of you and Minato.

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