☼ Chapter Fourteen ☼

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Chapter fourteen: Surprise!

It's been about 6 weeks since you've been 'resurrected'. Over that time you started going on regular missions and earned enough money to buy yourself a beautiful house. Minato made a deal with you and kakashi and you both set random babysitting dates. Although now it's a special day for you..


"Ugh rise and shine.." you rolled off your bed onto the ground. You groaned wrapping yourself in your blanket and walking down to the kitchen. "Food. I want food." You reached into the fridge, pulling out ice cream, soda and a large bag of chips.

"Food. I love food." You groggily walked into the living area and got comfortable on the large sofa.

"Oh looky here the beautiful t-tv.." you yawned, grabbing the remote and skimming through the channels.

You watched a random cartoon. While stuffing your face with chips and ice cream. "Hahaha! He dropped a coconut on his head!" You laughed loudly.

"Maybe you shouldn't be at home by yourself today.." multiple voices spoke from behind.

"Eh.." you turned seeing the two wolfs. "Oh how did you guys get here? I didn't summon you?" You asked munching on your food.

"New trick we've been learning!" Akira pounced happily towards you. "Anyways here, Y/n" the two wolfs pulled out two jasmines and handed them to you.

"O-Oh.. thank you but what are these for?" You asked setting your food aside. "It's your birthday idiot." Kiara shrugged. Pulling you off the couch.

"S-Seriously hold up!" You stood up and ran to the calendar hanging in the kitchen. ".... (birthdate)" you read aloud.

"Wow... I didn't even remember... haha" you scratched the back of your neck. "Come on get dressed let's celebrate!" Akira yelled. Kiara once again started pulling on your arm dragging you back upstairs.

"Put on something nice!" She said while Akira cleaned up your food mess downstairs. "A-Alright... like a dress? Or like normal clothes..?" You asked because you never really celebrated your birthday before.

"Dress! And make it quick!" She says with a mild yet excited voice. "Whatever the wolf wants..." you chuckled while skimming through your wardrobe.

You picked out a dress before scurrying to the bathroom taking a quick shower.


You walked up to the large mirror in your room. Gazing down at yourself. "... I'll never get used to wearing dresses this short.." you spun around. The dress was f/c with small lace wrapping flowing along you mid mid-thigh.

"You look great Y/n!" Akira complimented with Kiara. "Thanks guys but what about my hair..." you pointed at your messy locks.

"Brush it idiot." Kiara said as she picked up a hairbrush. You nodded doing what she told.

"All done!" You stared at yourself, making funny poses in the mirror. "I look fab!" You did a small hair flip. "Yeah Yeah!" Akira joined in on the posing.

"Can you both come on it's already noon..." Kiara spoke loudly. "Yes sir! I-I mean ma'am I uhh mean wolf!" You put on your sandals. Rushing out the door.

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