☼ Chapter Sixteen ☼

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Chapter Sixteen: memory

"I'm sorry to tell you this but it seems you have partial Amnesia miss L/n." The doctor said with a frown.

"Partial Amnesia uh...? H-How did this happen... I mean I can still remember the village and some of my personal information.." You asked sitting in the hospital bed.
"We have no clue. There are no signs of head or brain damage. Your body is in perfect condition." He said while flipping through files.

"Excuse me Doctor but we have a very injured person in room 103. Please come help us!" A nurse barged into the room, causing you to flinch.

"Yes right away. L/n you may leave in two hours. I'll send the files to the hokage. He seems to be a dear friend of yours." The Doctor spoke quickly before leaving the room.

"Damn it. Who is this hokage person.." you whined while the room once again became silent.


"Ahhh, it feels so nice to take a long hot bath... just chilling in the peaceful quiet I lobbbbvve iibtt." You blew bubbles in the water, sinking further down into the large tub.


You heard the door bell. Groaning because you had to leave your comfortable spot. You wrapped a towel around your body, ruffling your h/c hair and continued walking downstairs.

Opening the door seeing that one blonde dude with his child again. "Umm how did you find my house..?" You asked. The man didn't answer while he was gazing at your appearance.

Minato's P.O.V

The door opened showing Y/n in a towel dripping wet. Her h/c hair ruffled slightly as her e/c eyes were glossy. I couldn't help but stare at her body. The droplets sliding down her skin made it really attractive. I'll burn this into my mind...

"Ahem! Excuse me sir. Less staring and more talking!" She crossed her arms tapping her fingers. "Oh hi Y/n.. May I come in? I don't want Naruto here to catch a cold. I patted his back as he looked at Y/n.

Naruto smiled at her, waving his hands wanting her to hold him. Her eyes glowed with passion as she seen Naruto smile. "Alright. I'm just doing this for the small child!" She protested.

I walked into the house setting Naruto down taking off his raincoat. I once again undid my umbrella, taking off our shoes.

"You guys can wait somewhere down here, I'm gonna go get dressed." She said walking up the stairs. Naruto giggled as he started waddling towards the living room.

I watched Y/n walk upstairs. Quickly covering my eyes, by the sight of her towel go up bit by bit.

"A-Alright Y/n..." I rushed after Naruto, waiting for the one I want to come down.


Reader P.O.V

"So what's up mister?" You sat down placing two cups of tea on the table.

"Nothing really, just wanted to come check up on you." He smiled at you. You sipped out the cup looking at the little boy who was dancing or doing something weird.

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