☼ Chapter Nineteen ☼

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Chapter Nineteen:

Minatos p.o.v

"Goodmorning Y/n did you sleep well?" I said setting a plate of breakfast in front of her. She smelled the aroma and starting eating. "I'm still tired but this food is so good." She slurred. I laughed at her morning voice. It was cute and can easily turn someone on.

"Yummy" she yawned eating the pancake. I heard Naruto crying in the background as Y/n quickly stood up and started walking to his room.

"Good morning Naruto, did minato drop you off?" She spoke bringing him out his room. I could tell she was still half asleep by the way she was walking sluggish.

I couldn't help laugh, by how adorable she was in the morning. I wonder if this is how she always is when I drop Naruto off.

"Come on Naruto let's get you something to eat." She yawned once more setting him in his high-chair. I continued watching her as she sliced some of the leftover pancakes up into smaller bits, feeding Naruto. She continued feeding him for a nice 2-3 minutes.

"All done.. Now let's give you a bath.. ill take you to the park today." She slurred taking him out the chair. She set Naruto down on the ground as he waddled out the kitchen into the living room.

"M-Man I need some coffee. Oh look a Minato." She rubbed her eyes. "Wow you look so real.." she gazed at me. "This is one weird dream.." she murmured, her fingers started poking me. My arms, my legs, my stomach.

"Wow Minato your really handsome." She slurred squeezing my cheeks. "I really like your eyes and your smiles. They make me happy." She gushed.

"Y/n..." I was shocked by her words. She really thinks she's dreaming right now...

"Minato.." she rested her forehead on mine and closed her eyes. "I'm really in love with you.. I just don't know how to tell you.." she yawned falling back asleep.

I caught her before she fell down. I was surprised by the sudden confession and how she is sleep walking.
"T-Thanks for telling me that." I whispered in her ears

Scooping her up I carried her bridal style. "Hmm Minato..." she snuggled closer to my chest. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as my heart started to race.

"Let's put you back to bed." I brought her up to her room placing her in the sheets. Her h/c hair covered her e/c eyes as the shades were closed, dimming the room.

"I love you too Y/n..." I placed a kiss on her forehead leaving the room.


Readers p.o.v

You woke up and looked at the time. It was already noon. "Damnit I had to babysit Naruto today!" You hopped out the bed and ran downstairs.

There was a note on the table. It was from Minato.

"I had to head to the office. You were sleeping so I decided to take Naruto with me. We'll see you tomorrow." You read aloud.

"Tomorrow huh?" You tapped your chin. "I guess I'll ask to go on another mission or do something useful for the village." You ran back upstairs and hopped in the shower.


Sorry this chapter is really really short. I'm getting writers block... and it's really frustrating. I'll try to come up with some new ideas to keep the story rolling

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