☼ Chapter Fifteen ☼

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Chapter fifteen: Who are you?
Recap; "Gah, Once again Minato.. you always surprise me..." you chuckled slightly and started walking home. "I-I feel the same way.." you whispered walking in the night.

"Hello kakashi! Hi Guy!" You waved at the teens. "Hellooo Y/n!" Guy walked up to you as he flashed you a toothy smile. "Wow it's rare seeing you guys together.." you chuckled.

"Oh hey Y/n.." kakashi cocked his head up. Guy looked a little irritated by kakashi. so you stood there watching him. "You and Me kakashi! Come on let's show Y/n our rivalry the power of youth!" He yelled. You watched as kakashi simply sweat dropped at the boy.

"Hey um have you guys heard from Minato?" You questioned. "Lord fourth, no I haven't." Guy said changing his expression real quick. Kakashi nodded in agreement.- Damn I can never tell if Kakashi is lying or telling the truth... Damn mask.. hiding away his face.- you were mentally agreeing with yourself.

"Anyways bye guys. I got a mission soon." Kakashi said leaving. Guy was about to stop him, but let him leave.

"Gahh, it makes me so mad! why is he so cool!" Guy shook his fist in there air. You smiled at him causing a little pink show in his cheek.

"You guys are going to be the best of friends.." you laughed while throwing your arm around his neck. "Wanna get some dumplings guy?" You asked. Guy seemed to be flushing red as his ears were steaming.

"Hey guy are you alright? Your burning up! Are you sick? Do you need some water?" You questioned, placing your hand against his forehead.

"No! see you later Y/n!" He gave you a quick thumbs up before running off.

"Man... it seems like everyone been avoiding me ever since last week..." you walked along a quiet path.

You sighed as you came across a small way into the forest. You shrugged as you decided to follow it. The sky was cloudy as the breeze was getting cold.

"Rain..." you looked up as you started running in the forest.

"Please rain.." you quickly stopped , while a small drop fall onto your nose. Followed by another and another.

"Finally! It's been so long since I felt rain pour onto my skin...!" You smiled as you walked through the forest the birds were flying away as you smiled at the small family.

"Dodododododo..." you hummed, jumping onto a log. "Rain rain come and stay, play with me everyday!" You sang acting like a little child.

"Haha! I love this!" You kicked a puddle causing more droplets to fly everywhere. A strong breeze went by as you shivered.

"A-Achoo!" You sneezed. You quickly covered your goosebumps as it started to get cold. "D-Damn t-this was a b-bad i-idea..." your teeth started to chatter. You began to walk as you felt like going asleep.

"W-Wait this isn't right.. weather this bad never h-happens here..." you thought, while looking around. You fell to your knees as you gripped onto your arms.

"Oh it looks like she finally noticed.." two figured walked out from behind a tree.

"W-Who are you!" You used your strength to stand. "No need for that. Just here to deliver a message.." they stated as fog started to surround you.

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