☼ Chapter Two ☼

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Chapter Two: Fake Smile

First p.o.v

After that day I started to hangout with Minato less and less. He always said he was busy with something and that it was important to do. I asked if I could tag along but He always declined. Time began to fly pass. Started with day, weeks, months. Soon Graduation passed as we all became Genin, I still haven't talked to Minato. Everything in my world was dull. I trained myself everyday and night until I was at the point of not being able to move a single muscle. I worked a lot on chakra control and speed to help me master my training. It helped me keep my mind away from thinking about everything... but I wasn't even strong enough to protect myself that one night...

Second p.o.v ~ That One Night

You were walking to your training spot which is right near the tree you and Minato always used to hang around when you were kids. For some reason it calmed you as you seen the tree still standing tall.

"Alright time to train!" You blurted out as you focused your chakra to your feet and started to run up the tree. You fell down but you kept trying until you reached the top.

The day flew bye as you were breathing heavy with sweat running down your forehead. "Ugh I'm so tired.. I could go for some dumplings right about now." You got up as You slowly walked towards the large tree.

You stopped and stared at the old carving of the names. "M N and [initials]" you read aloud as you simple felt unknown anger build up. "Damn it.." you murmured clenching your fist.

"Damn you Minato!" You began punching the tree over and over again. You didn't stop until your hands went numb. Blood dripped down as you ignored it and fell to your knees sobbing. "Why did you just leave me Minato. You said we were suppose to be best friends forever... best friends don't just get up and go disappear from someone's life." You cried.

You heard a twig snapped and quickly jumped up listening too the sound. Wiping away your tears you found the courage to speak.

"Come out." You said bluntly as your eyes moved around instantly. You watched as five men appeared surrounding you. "Who are you!" You yelled as you took a fighting stance.

Inspecting their outfit you noticed that they were from Kumogakure. "Now." One of the men said as they all ran at you.

You pulled out a kunai as you tried to dodge them. Feeling your body was unable to move you you collapsed to the ground. "Ugh. Not now.." you mumbled trying to get your body to cooperate but you were already to tired from training and randomly punching the tree.

"Haha, guess we didn't need to put her to sleep. Tie her up guys. Let's hurry and meet up with the other three." One of the dudes said as he started to walk ahead.-The other three... So there are more people, but who else did they capture?-. You thought as he felt yourself getting lifted.

"Put me down." You said, they simply ignored. "Fine, I'll get myself down." You whispered as you started collecting nature chakra.-Yup you read right, nature chakra. Mastered it a couple weeks ago. But I could only collect a little and I can't hold the transformation for no longer than two minutes-.

You felt more chakra flowing through you as you quickly kneed the guy holding you in the face. He dropped you as you stood up and ran back towards the village.

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