☼ Chapter Twelve ☼

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Chapter Twelve: Greetings


You flutter your e/c open as you were laying under a tree with Akira and Kiara by your side. The sun peeked out from behind the leafs touching your skin.

A nice breeze passed by letting your h/c hair flow. You yawned as you stood up wiping the dirt off your clothing. You climbed up the tree and looked at the village. Seeing the people walking in the roads as Children were running around. You smiled as you took a deep breath.

"How I missed my home.." you chuckled as you felt a slight tap on your shoulder you flinched causing yourself to tip backgrounds.

"Eek!" You screamed as you fell down. You shut your eyes as you waited for the ground as you felt a soft touched and seen you landed on Akira.

"Sorry!" You hopped off the wolf and looked back in the tree. There was a teenage boy with ash-gray hair and holding a book blocking his facial features.

"Who are you?" You asked as he revealed his masked face. "Wow, I'm surprised your actually umm.." he said as you cut him off.

"Kakashi Hatake" you smiled as you remembered his name. He hopped down and looked you up and down. He even poked your arms and stomach. You laughed as it tickled. "H-Hey!" You smacked his his hands away as you contained your laughter.

"How are you alive?" He said bluntly putting his book back to his face. You sat down as you stared at him blankly.

"Not comment. Next question?" You said smiling. "Why are you here?" He said turning the page of his book. "No comment. Next?" You chuckled. "Are you hungry?" He peeked up from his book to see you had a twitching smile while holding your stomach.

"U-umm no comment.." you sweat dropped as he pulled you from the ground and started walking.

"Dumplings right?" He said while leading you through the village. "Yup.." you said as you kinda stood out from everyone. Feeling people staring at you.

"Let's hurry.." you say as the wolfs and kakashi followed you.


"ahhh! How I missed the dango shop!" You patted your belly as you were full.

"how I'm going to miss my whole life insurance.." kakashi mumbled as he looked at his empty wallet. "Thanks for the food kakashi... I really owe you one huh?" You out your arm behind your back as you chuckled at him.

"Yeah, a lot too." He stood up leaving. "Hey wait!" You followed him. "What..?" He asked as he turns back too you. "N-Nothing it's just that I don't really have anyone to hangout with..." you say fiddling with your fingers.

"Well here's an idea.. your bestfriend?" He raised his head from his book. "Bestfri-.. oh Minato.." you looked at the ground as you were unsure about seeing him.

"Do you think I should..." you asked tapping your chin in thought. "No I don't.. idiot of course I do. He's been through a lot after the nine tails attack." Kakashi whispered while slapping the book on your head.

"Great sarcasm..." you rubbed your head turning away. "Thanks again..." you bowed politely before taking off.


"Hmm I wonder if he still lives in this apartment..." you asked as you knocked on the door slightly. It opened revealing another white haired man.

"Oh hello who might your be?" He asked as he placed a journal down. "Oh um sorry but does a man named Namikaze Minato live here by any chance..?" You asked nervously.

The man chuckled as he nodded. "Indeed he does I'm just baby-sitting my godson." He laughed letting you inside the house.


"So your name is jiraiya.. one of the legendary Sanin.. hmm I never knew." You smiled at him while you sipped your tea. "And you and Y/N one of the Ialoski clan members.." he smiled back.

"Haha yeah... so your narutos godfather?" You placed your cup down as you asked. "Yes I am." He said as he picked up his journal.

"That's nice I'm his godmother.." you say as you peeked at his writing. "G-Godmother?!" He jumped up looking at you wide eyed.

"Does that make us a couple or something." He gave you a creepy smile while wiggling his eyebrows.

"No!! You prevy man!" You slapped him leaving a red mark on his cheek. You heard the sound of the door unlocking as you quickly ran into narutos room.

"I'm back.." you heard Minatos voice from the living area.-what is this weird feeling i'm getting..- you thought as you held onto your dress.

"Hello Minato narutos sleeping right now." Jiraiya says. You listened closely as you walked over to narutos small crib.

His eyes fluttered opened as he flashed you a small smile. He held his hands out to he as you picked him up. " hello naruto.. it's been awhile hasn't it.." you smiled at the little boy.

He chuckled slightly as you laid him back in his crib. "Go back to sleep now.." you ruffled his head slowly making him relax. Soon he was asleep as the door opened behind you.

"Who are yo-..." Minato said as you quickly turned around in shock. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion as a memory popped into your head.

"I love you Minato..."

You flushed red as you seen his face. He stood there staring at you. Meanwhile Jiraiya was watching behind taking notes as you shook your head.

"Umm hi Minato~kun... umm it's been a long time huh?"


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