☼ Chapter Thirteen ☼

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Chapter thirteen: Unbelievable


Minato ran to you as he pulled you into a tight hug. "I-I can't b-breath..." you gasped as he let go. His eyes were tearing as you quickly wiped them with your thumbs. "No need to cry everything's alright." You smiled as he pulled you into another hug but this time more relaxing. "Is it really you.. Y/N..." he squeezed as you felt tears dripping on your shoulder.

"Yes it's really me.." you say rubbing his back in comfort. "I-I thought I l-lost you.." he murmured burying his face in your neck.

You felt his soft lips pierce your neck as you widened your eyes before pulling away. "Umm yeah.. it's me." You say with a chuckle.


"So you were alright all this time..." Minato ruffled his hair as he listened to your story. Jiraiya left as he said he was going to go finished writing his book. Leaving you and Minato in apartment.

"Yes you don't have to worry anymore Minato... I'm alright" You picked up his face staring into his cerulean eyes. A toothy grin made its way on your face to reassure him.

He was staring back into your e/c eyes as if he was trying to uncover a mystery. You felt everything getting creepy. "M-Minato are you okay..?" You asked as you were getting nervous under his gaze.

"Yeah.. it's just your eyes are beautiful..." he said as he kept gazing. You hopped off the sofa and walked into the kitchen.

"Umm Minato are you hungry?" You say changing the subject. "Sure, what are you going to make?" He laid on the sofa closing his eyes.

You stood in a thought as you wondered what were you going to make. "How about some curry?" You poked your head around the corner.

"Great I'll help!" He said happily walking over to you.


"W-Wait Minato! You don't mix the veggies in the rice !" You ran to his side and stopped him. "What?" He said, putting them aside. You sweat dropped at how easily he could've messed up the food.

"Maybe you should just sit down.." you say as you pushed him in a chair.

"But I wanna help Y/N" he pouted as you knocked him in a chair easily. "I think you did enough helping.." you say walking back over to the pot. You mixed the rice. While getting a separate pot for the veggies. You strained them before dumping them into the pot.

You can feel his gaze as you swayed around the kitchen cooking.

You slowly turned your head and seen his eyes meet yours. You jumped as you turned around continuing your work.

"Y/N..." Minato said in a low yet soft voice. "Y-Yes?" You stuttered. You heard the chair shift as his footsteps approached you from the behind.

You felt his hands wrap around your waist as you flinched in surprise. He held on tight to make sure you wouldn't move. "I'm glad your okay.." he whispered.

"Y-Yeah..." you utter as you loosened yourself. You stood there in silence as he kept his grip around you. "Umm Minato~Kun.. the foods done.." you say as tried again to move.

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