☼ Chapter Five ☼

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Chapter Five: She's Pregnant!
Major Time-skip (to when Kushina is Preggers)

Readers p.o.v

"Hurry up Niyo! Before Minato slams the hammer on you!" You giggled as you both raced to the hokages office.

Minato has finally accomplished his dream of becoming the Hokage and being appreciated by all the villagers. He even made a name for himself. The yellow flash of the leaf or konohas yellow flash either way. He's speed is incredible! You managed to keep up with his training over the years, but you were always one step behind.

You and Kushina also became close friends. She was like a dear sister too you. You and her had lots of girl talk and always teased Minato and Niyo. Kushina enjoyed talking about your love life but in that matter, you never really dated anyone. She was eager to get you in a relationship. But you always declined saying you were too busy with missions and training.

"I win again!" You poked Niyos forehead. "Ugh, wow Y/N~chan you've gotten really fast." He stopped running trying to catch his breath. "I know, one day I'll be faster then Mr.yellowflash himself." You chuckled as you both entered the hokages office.

"So you think you can become faster than me. Is that it?" He heard a familiar voice behind you as it sent shivers down your spine.

"Lord fourth, haha nice to see you.." you sweat dropped as Niyo stood there with a smirk.- Stupid boys.- you thought as you pouted.

"Anyways why did you call us here?" Niyo asked as he put on one of those serious expressions.
"I called you both here to tell you some good and bad news." Minato said as he walked in front of us.

You stared at the two as you waited for them to continue the conversation.

"Okay I'll start with the bad news, I need both of you to go on a urgent mission. You have to go infiltrate a hideout of orochimaru." He stated bluntly.

You widened your eyes surprised by the sudden request but you also had a bad feeling. "Really?" You asked staring at him. "Yes Y/N this is a mission I could only trust to you and Niyo." He said with a weak smile.

"But infiltration missions takes months!" Niyo added. You let the words sink in as the pressure grew.

"Wait Minato, You can't ju-" Niyo yelled as you quickly cut him off. "Alright, I'll do it. Niyo please don't back out on me." You said with a stern face.

"Y/N..." Niyo stared at you as you started to take the lead. "Minato we'll do the mission. But now tell us the good news?" You asked changing the subject. Minato flicked your forehead as he smirk.

"Ouch Minato! Just tell us." You whined to your best friend.

"Alright Alright... Kushina is pregnant!" He happily said with a big grin.

"R-Really?!" You and Niyo yelled in unison. "Yeah, she's a month." He smiled while he scratched the back of his neck.

"Yay!!! I'll get to see a Tiny Minato or Kushina running around!!" You tackled Minato with joy.

"Haha! This is going to be amazing!" You smiled as you hugged him. "H-Hey Y/N I can't breath!" He struggled to get out your grip. "Sorry lord fourth!" You got up as you forgot he was 'hokage'.

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