☼ Chapter Twenty ☼

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Chapter twenty: Sound four.
(Let's just pretend they already survived the prison slaughter to become orochimaru guards)

"Why did I get put on a delivery mission... couldn't they just use a carry pigeon." You sighed walking to the entrance gate. "Hey um Y/n?" A voice grabbed your attention as it was a lady with long black hair and dark eyes. "Oh um do I know you from somewhere?" You asked. She smiled genuinely, placing her hand out in front of you.

"I'm Mikito Uchiha, you can call me Mikito nice to meet you." She greeted. You shook her hand about to speak. "Y/n!" Another popped out causing you to jump.

"Ehh...?" You turned around to find an annoyed kakashi. "Hurry up, your late." He grabbed your arm dragging you away. "Oh wait.. ugh b-bye Mikito!" You waved nervously as the teen pulled you away.

You arrived at the village gate and there was two large carriages. "Kakashi, Didn't anyone ever tell you about respecting your higher ups and when are you ever on time." You pinched his nose.

"Well were both Jonin. So that doesn't make you a higher up if we're the same rank." He sighed. "Your so rude. I was talking to the lady back there." You pouted walking to the small group of people, standing by the carriages.

"Anyways hello my name is Y/n. Sorry for being late shall we leave?" You said too the four. There was three males along with one female.

One had dark hair and black eyes. The other had orange hair and a very petite face. The last male had light blue hair and seemed like he was wearing lipstick and eyeliner. You could tell the girl wasn't so girly, by the way she dressed. She had bright red hair and her bangs pulled down in the middle of her face.

"Yes let's." The man with dark hair purposed.


Kidomaru's P.o.v

We already made it to the rendezvous point, orochimaru should be at his area right now also...

"Hey don't you think we should start now.." Jirobo whispered, I nodded slightly as I began signaling tayuya and Sakon. Fog started rolling around us.

"Looks like we have an attack Y/n keep your guard up." Kakashi said. I looked around and seen Sakon already took off his cloak revealing Ukon.

"Get her." I yelled. Tayuya took off as she was attacking Y/n. I watched as that kakashi boy was fighting off both Sakon and Ukon. Jirobo was standing there like idiot just watching before Tayuya grabbed his arm flinging him into the fight with Y/n.

"Ugh.." I groaned as I both Tayuya and Jirobo get slammed into the ground. "Who are you!" she yelled at the two. I grinned as I ran towards her. She acted quickly and jumped back.

"Kakashi where are you!?" she yelled once more looking around. I used it as an advantage to make my attack "Spider sticky gold!" I shoot at her. She moved away in a blink of an eye. I looked around as the fog began to grow thick.

Readers P.o.v

"What is up with them... There bodies... that outfit... It all seems so familiar.." you said to yourself. The fog grew thick as you can here electrical sounds nearby. "Kakashi.." you followed the sound and seen two weird looking people. "Chidori!" He yelled, striking down the two creatures with ease. "Bravo" you clapped hopping down from the tree.

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