☼ Chapter Seventeen ☼

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Chapter Seventeen: Intruded twistor

It's been five days since that night... you remembered everything. It was like a quick flash, everything, all your memories came flooding back. You haven't told Minato yet or anyone about regaining it. You thought it would be fun to mess around a bit.

"Y/n?" You heard knocks on your door. Rushing to the closet you dragged your blanket along to hide.

"Y/n?" Minato called again, this time with knocks a little louder. "I'm not here!" You croaked while sitting in the closet.

"I'm coming in." He said opening the door. You could see the lights flick on from inside the small area. His figure came into view as he started walking around the room.

"Y/n? Come out, come out wherever you are.." he said walking closer to the closet. You held you breath as you wrapped the blanket around yourself.

"Ah-ha." He chuckled while opening the door. "Eek!" You hide under the blanket as your eyes hurt from the light.

"Y/n come on your acting like a little kid." Minato said tugging on the blanket. "I don't want to leave this room." You grumbled through the cloth.

"Well if you ain't moving I'll move you." Minato smirked while you popped your head from the blanket. He pulled you out the closet, tossing you over his shoulder.

"H-Hey! I didn't agree to this!" You pounded on his back. He laughed bringing you out the room. Into the bathroom.

"Wash up, than get dressed." He spoke, you stared at him blankly. He looked confused for a moment as you tried to give him a hint on leaving.

"What?" He asked. You slapped your forehead and swiped him across the head. "Get out!" You pushed him but he didn't budge.

"Why?" Minato grinned.

"Because I have to get undressed." You kept trying to push him, he than grabbed ahold of your wrist. Closing the door behind him.

"..." you lost your words by the sudden action and the strength he showed. Easily spinning you around, he pinned you against the door.

"Why can't you just get undressed in front of me.." he said with a evil smirk. His placed his hand on your thigh and began to move up.

"S-Stop..." you looked away. "Come on Y/n." He grinned again moving his hand closer and closer to your womanhood.

"Stop it Minato!" You yelled. He licked your neck causing you to wince. "I said s-stop it!" You tried pushing him away but he was to strong.

There was a large pound on the door. As he looked freaked out, you use it as an advantage to get out his grip. Moving swiftly letting the door fly open.


"W-Whhhattt!?" You screamed in shock, staring at two Minatos.

"Y/n! Get away from him that's not the real me!" He said. You nodded as you ran to his side.

"Who are you!" Minato yelled. There was a large poof leaving smoke everywhere. Soon cleared revealing a very pale man.

"Your.." Minato was about to speak. Before the man smiled at him creepily.

"Ororchimaru..." he finished. You stood there in a daze as a sharp feeling shot your neck.

"Sorry for intruding, I just came here to take back what I owned." He smirked. "Argh." You gripped onto the back of your neck.

"Y/n!" Minato helped you quickly. "Come on lord forth. Just let me take my precious back with me. And everything will be alright." The man said.

A image of Niyo appeared in your mind. You quickly ignored the pain to regain your balance.

"Minato I'm fine now." You spoke clearly. He let go as he appeared behind orochimaru quickly.

"Leave." He said loudly as he had a already done a jutsu.

(I'm skipping the fighting scene since I'm lazy today.. and I succc 👣)

"Ugh.. my bathroom... it's ruined!" you pouted staring at the large hole through the ceiling and the broken faucet, toilet including the tub. "Your paying for all this you know." You poked Minato in the shoulder.

He smiled with regret and pinched your cheeks. "He didn't do anything umm sexual to you right?" He said firmly while trying to find the right words. "No, you came just in time." You hugged him. "Thanks Minato, but your still not off the hook." You laughed as you left the destroyed room.


"So that kakashi dude has Naruto for today?" You pretended not to remember the boy.

"Yeah. They'll be over here probably around seven or eight." Minato asked resting in a chair.

"Oh..." you didn't know what to say, that tingling feeling was sprouting. Knowing that you had the rest of the evening with Minato.

"So what should we do in the meantime. We can watch old movies? Clean? Go out? Cook? Read? Play board games?" Minato rambled on and on . You covered his mouth, trying to think.

"Let's play a board game!" You shouted happily. Running back up to your room, you searched your closet. "Found it!" You yelled happily running back down stairs.

"Let's move the furniture!" Both of you begun moving the sofa back a little along with the coffee table.

"Alright, we are playing twister." Minato read the labels. You tugged on his shirt to get his attention.

"I spin first." You giggled, pulling out the large mat. Minato agreed as you spun your first turn.

"Okay! Right foot green!" You cheered. "Your turn!" Minato nodded once more spinning the small handle.

"Oh left hand yellow." He did his


"Ahh...I can't move my hand Minato! Move" you chimed trying to reach the red dot. "I can't move, I'll fall on top of you if I do!" Minato cried, shaking his head.

"Well what if I do this." You twisted yourself forward reaching for the red dot. Landing your hand on it you cheered. "Your turn." You say nudging the pad to him.

He lifted a hand causing him to wobble. "Hey!!!" You shouted as he collapsed onto of you...

You closed your eyes as you hit the ground. A soft feeling brushed against your lips as you opened your eyes and found Minato...


Sorry there could be lots of mistakes in this chapter. I rushed through it... Agaim sorry..

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