☼ Chapter Seven ☼

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Chapter Seven: Infiltration
One week timeskipi🤙🏼
(this chapter is going to be long)

Finally the time has come, you and Niyo are meeting at the entrance of the village. You kept getting a bad feeling about this mission, not sure on how long it will take or if you'll even come back. All the negative feelings started surfacing your mind.

"Hey Y/N are you ready?" Niyo appeared behind you as he placed some weapons in his bag. "Y-Yeah I'm ready..." you stuttered as nervousness showed in voice. "Don't worry Y/N, everything will be okay." You heard Minatos voice as you turned and seen his cheeky smile. - God I'm gonna miss him...- you thought.

"Hi M-Minato~Kun..." you stumbled with your words. Minato walked up to you with a smile and pulled you into a hug. You stood there trying to understand what was happening... Soon falling into his grip you pulled him in tight, not caring about your surroundings.

"Don't be scared Y/N, I swear you'll be alright. Your strong. I'll be waiting for when you get back okay?" Minato whispered in your ear. You nodded as you buried you face in his chest.

Pulling away you had the feeling of determination running through your veins. "Come on let's go Y/N.." Niyo said leaving out the village gates. You stopped moving and took one more glance at Minato.

"See you soon Minato.." you mumbled running to Niyo in the distance.


"Ugh can we take a break now Niyo~Kun I'm tired and hungry!" You cried as you kept jumping from tree to tree.

"Y/N, it will take us at least two weeks to get to this hideout. Don't you want to get there and get this mission over with?" Niyo said as you tossed you a food pill. "God.. you're so mean." You popped the food pill into your mouth. At first It tasted plain but the after flavor satisfied you.

"Thanks.." you murmured as you both continued moving.

Two weeks came to pass as You and Niyo finally reached the hideout. It looked like a large cave but as you entered, you both were lowered deeper underground. You could feel strange power flowing through the walls but didn't sense any chakra.

"Ugh I can't see down here..." Niyo started kicking the floor. "Hold up I got it." You pulled out a kunai and flicked it across the stone causing a spark. "Niyo can you walk over to that wall and grab that stick thingy?" You asked, he obeyed your orders as you quickly lit a spark onto the head.

"There we go." You say as you stood up and continued walking further into the tunnel. Your stomach sank as you started to hear noises. Niyo didn't seem to be affected by it, So you grew curious.

"Niyo~Kun do you hear that?" You say as your ears perked up.

"Hear what?" He says taking the lead. "Those voices... Someone or Something is here.." you say looking around. "Y/N I think you are hallucinating. There is no voices just chill." He said with a laid back expression. You shrugged it off and continued walking.


The voices started getting louder as you tried shutting them out. You covered your ears as Niyo made an attempt to help you. "Argh!" You stopped walking and leaned against the dirt wall. "Y/N?? What's wrong?!" Niyo yelled. You pushed him away trying to get more space.

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