☼ Chapter Twenty-One ☼

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Chapter Twenty-One: Night's Kiss


"Y/n, you've been summoned by the hokage." The man said. You nodded as you closed the your door to go get dressed.-God what now Minato, it's my day off!- you were mentally arguing with yourself.


You walked into the large building and made your way to the hokages office. Knocking on the door you heard Loud 'come in'.

"You wanted to see me Sir." You said politely, trying not to show you were annoyed. Glancing over you noticed Naruto was playing with a small stuffed fox as he seen you and walked over.

"H-hi" he spitted out in a squeaky voice. "Hello Naruto, I seen you've gotten better with greeting people. Unlike your idiot father" you glared at Minato. Who was hidden behind the large stacks of papers.

"Y/n come here." You heard him say. Shrugging at his low response, you set Naruto down and walked to his desk.

"Yess?" You stood on your tippy toes trying to peek over the pile,still unable to see Minato.-How much work does he have...- you sighed walking around.

"Y/n where are you?" You heard him call out. You chuckled as you were already standing behind him. "I'm right here Minato." You poked his head, as he turned around.

"Oh, hi.." he laughed rubbing the back of his neck. "Minato why is it that you requested me here." You gave him one of those 'you better not be wasting my time' looks.

"Oh I was wondering about the last mission you went on." He said changing his expression into a serious one.

"Yeah what about it?" You crossed your arms leaning against the wall. "Well, you and kakashi came in contact with orochimaru and you've discovered that you have a curse mark on your nape." He said putting his hand on his chin.

"Yeah Ororchimaru said somethings about me wanting power and I'll become his prize or gem blah blah and about the curse mark they already sealed it when I got back. So no worries." You smiled.

"May I see it?" He asked staring at you. "Huh..?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"May I see the curse mark?" He asked again. It took you awhile but you nodded turning around. You heard the chair scoot as you felt his hand move you h/c hair aside.

His fingers trailed slowly along the back of your neck, sending goosebumps all over your body. "Hmm." Minato hummed. You tensed up as his breath hit your skin.

"H-Hey.. um Minato...?" You questioned. He suddenly placed his lip on your neck causing you flinch by the unexpected touch. You soon relaxed as the room filled with silence. You could hear Naruto throwing his toys, but the growing tension started to slowly spread...

"Hey y/n will you go on a date with me?" Minato asked shyly. You stood there unable to speak as he answered for you.

"Alright, I'll take that as a yes. I'll come by tonight." He said shoving you out the room. Leaving you speechless as you stood outside his door.

Placing your hand on your nape. You relized what just happened, flushing red and ran back to your house.

Later that night...

"I never agreed to this..." you were being dragged by Minato blindfolded. "Stop whining Y/n, you're suppose to be having fun on a date!" Minato yelled as he lifted you up onto his back. You didn't hesitate and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Hold on tight Y/n!" he yelled, starting to run faster.

You smiled as memories started filling your head. Minato and you running together through the forest. Racing, playing Hide-and-go-seek, Climbing up trees, watching the sunset and so much more. You missed having him by your side everyday. Not being able to see him when your feeling down, or in those times something big happened. He was always busy with being the hokage.... At least he accomplished his dream, maybe You can turn your dream into a reality also..?

"Y/n, we're here." He said, setting you back on your feet. "So I can take the blindfold off now..?" You asked lifting up the cloth a little. "No!" he caught your hand and started dragging you again. "H-Heyyyy! wait I can't walk that fast!" you tugged on his arm. He stopped moving and picked you up once more, this time bridal style.

"God Y/n, your so slow." Minato grumbled. You pouted crossing you arms. "Says the idiot who couldn't even change a diaper.." you whispered loud enough so he could hear. "Says the person who talks in her sleep."He set you down on the ground, releasing the blindfold from your face. "I don't talk in my... Wow..." you were about to start a small argument but the view of the village lights caught your attention. Standing on top of the Hokage rock, both of you got a beautiful view of the whole entire village. Starting to gawk at the sight you could feel Minato's eyes watching you from the behind.

Spinning around you grabbed his hand, pulling him by your side. "Isn't it lovely Minato~Kun!" your e/c eyes sparkled with excitement. "yes you ar-.. I mean yeah!" he grinned while sweat dropping. Both chuckling you playfully punched his arm. "Why did you bring me here Minato?" you sat down on the ground gazing at the sight.

"Because I wanted too?" he sat down next to you. "Well thats explains a lot." you say with sarcasm. "Fine, I brought you here because... It remind me of you.." Minato mumbled as you barley heard him.

"Louder please, I could't hear what you said." you leaned in closer trying to listen to his voice. "because it remind me of you." He said it again but this time more confidently and loud. You fell silent as you processed what he said. Smiling you ruffled his blonde locks.

"You're weird..." you gave him a cheeky smirk, he went red as you showed him a new expression. Your heart fluttered at his reaction, but you didn't make it obvious that you were flustered. "Y/n, Thanks for everything... I mean it." Minato said pulling you into his embrace. You couldn't hold back the emotion any longer as heat rose to your cheeks. Slowly you fell into his hug. "Minato you really are a weird one.." you whispered again as you both hugged each other.

He gently pushed you away, letting go you quickly covered your flushed face. "What's wrong?" he asked. "N-Nothing.." you shook your head still covering your face. Minato grabbed your hands and slightly moved them aside. Revealing your rosy cheeks.

"..." He was silent as his cheeks went pink also. Your e/c eyes sparkled as you h/c hair blew with the wind. The moon full shining down as all those stars danced above you both. It felt unreal everything seemed so... wonderful..

Minato brushed your hands away as he came closer. "Y/n.." he moved his head slowly "you're so.." he whispered softly. You instinctively closed your eyes and leaned in.

"Beautiful.." He placed his soft lips on yours. Sending sparks through your body. The warmth of his lips pressed against yours. It made your heart race, Your mind blank. Everything was so indescribable...


Awww so lovely!!! Reader~chan and Minato~kun actually had their real first kiss whhaattt an amazing time to be alive :)

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