☼ Chapter Twenty-Two ☼

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Officially
Thanks for 2k reads everyone❤✨✨

"Huh... Thanks for the date, I really enjoyed it." Minato stuttered. Smiling at him you nodded in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow Minato~kun.." you waved him goodnight and entered your house.

Before you could close the door. Minato grabbed your hand. Surprised you turned to him, his blue eyes locked with you e/c ones. "Y/n.. will you be my girlfriend?" He asked stupidly. Staring at his face you can see he was serious. Your heart started beating rapidly. Heat running to your face. "Huh..?" You asked once more.

"Will you've my umm g-girlfriend?" He stuttered looking away. He was acting like a child, you couldn't help but laugh at his looks. Minato was actually embarrassed. "Minato, you face is really priceless right now." You chuckled.

"Well you don't need to laugh about it." He pouted turning around, walking away. You took one last laugh and teleported in front of him.

"Yes I will love to." You smiled at him. He was astonished by your speed, but he gave you a unexpected hug. His scent filling your nose. It was relaxing.

"Anyways goodnight Minato.." you whispered walking back into your house. It was official, you and Minato felt the same way. Even though it has been difficult along the way. Your heart fluttered every second you were with him and now this.


"Naruto, is Minato still gone." You asked the six year old. Naruto started giggling in a weird way. His little legs running away from you. "Hey! I asked you a question little man!" You chuckled running after him.

"Catch me if ya can!" He ran around the house. Sighing you watched as he moved under the table and around the couch. You playfully tackled him and spun him around. "Caught ya." You laughed at the child. Naruto was pouting as you patted his head.

"One day you'll become faster than me and your father. But for now you should hurry up and tell me where he is." You smirked starting to tickle the boy.

"A-Ah!" Naruto laughed trying to cover his ticklish spots. "Tell me where he is." You said. "A-Alright alright!" He waved his hands in the air surrendering.

"Papa went out for awhile he said he had business ya know!" Naruto sat back up scratching the back of his head. "Hey Naruto, ain't you late for school." You peeked at the clock. He followed your gaze and got worried "Oh no!" Naruto hopped off the ground and rushed to get his bag. You watched the boy ran around the house and out the door. Noticing he forgot his lunch you followed him.


"Naruto!" You caught his attention. The little boy turned around rushing back over. "Yeah what is it?" He asked. "Here you forgot your lunch. Now hurry, I don't want you to get in trouble." You smiled at him. Naruto grinned and hugged your legs running off.

"Hm.. now to go get Minato." You smirked. Disappearing from the road you appeared on top of hokage office. You hid your chakra as you walked to one of the open windows behind Minato.-Always working huh..- you thought hopping in the room. Sneaking behind Minato you were about to tackle.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" Minato was behind you his head resting on shoulder. You tense up and backed away.

"Uhhh.. I-I just umm.." you didn't know what to say. So you frantically waved your hands. Minato grinned as he started walking towards you.

Unable to stay in one placed you started backing away. That is until your back greeted the wall. Minato was getting closer and closer. "Eh. M-." You were cut off has he grabbed your wrist pinning you against the wall. He brung his face closer, you could feel your cheeks already burning.-what's up with Minato... he's never acted like this before...- you were thinking deeply.

Locking your eyes with his, he was about to place his lips on yours but stopped. "So how's Naruto?" He asked smiling like an idiot. You didn't say anything, still shocked. "Hey!! MINATO!" You yelled slapping the back of his head.

"You can't just tease me like that you big idiot!" You grabbed his collar shaking him rapidly. Minato looked like he was going to pass out. So you stopped but didn't let go of his shirt.

"Stupid Minato." You smiled pulling him down to your height. Placing your lips on his. He didn't know what was happening but he accepted your kiss. Your heart was melting as your stomach fluttered. He deepened the kiss making it very passionate. It was a nice long kiss. It was like he was taking all your troubles away. You both pulled away catching your breath.

"Thanks I needed that." He whispered with a smirk. You giggled and walked to his chair.

"Minato~kun, its boring at the house. Naruto is at preschool and you're always doing work. Come by every now and then okay." You started spinning around in the chair. He was watching you with a smile.

"Oh yeah I forgot! Can you get me some dumplings. Yeah thank you." Winking, you seen Minato walking over to you with another grin.

"Two can play it that game Minato~kun." You smirked seductively at him. He stopped in his tracks and you stood up. Slowly walking towards him.

He didn't move nor flinch. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Bringing your lips to his ear. "Buy me dumplings you" you whispered sexually.

Minato stood there confused and seemed upset. You on the other hand bursted out laughing. His face still, you held your stomach chuckling. "Y/n." Minato said deeply.

"H-Hold up. Pfft I-I can't.." you continued laughing. Minato picked you up tossing you over his shoulder. Surprised you stopped laughing. He hopped out the open window, running as fast as ever.

"Minato! Not this again! Put me down!" You yelled, slapping his back. "No can do Y/n." He said sternly. You sighed in defeat knowing he wasn't going to put you down until he got where he wanted. The question is where is he taking you?

Again thank you everyone for 2k+ reads!!! The book only has a few more chapters (probably 2) left. But see you laterrr!!

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