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I felt my body wake up, but I didn't open my eyes. I remained still when I heard voices coming from somewhere in the house.

Somewhere in the house... were the hell am I?

I heard two low husky, voices. And surprisingly, a girls voice. They were arguing, but I couldn't make our what they were saying. I strained my ears to try and hear them.

"How are we gonna explain this to her?" One of the male voices said, "she is going to remember what she saw".

Than a voice practically identical to the other one, just slightly different said "we will have to make something up, we can't let her know about us, we don't know if we can trust her".

Than the girl voice but in, "I vote were just kill her, make all of our problems go away"

I tensed up for a moment, because she didn't sound like she was kidding. I took the second of silence to try and remember last night. My brain is kind of fuzzy, but I remember being in the woods on a run, than getting chased by some mutant beast, and then I remember bright, blue eyes looking at me. The rest was blank in my memory.

The deeper voice of the two males spoke up. "Jen we are NOT going to kill her, I just almost got my head bashed in trying to save her".

So her name is Jen, ok noted. Jen spoke up again, "Grayson why not! Nobody in this town is gonna know her, no one will know she's gone!" She raised her voice now.

I noted also that the deeper voice was called Grayson. Grayson replied back in ... a snarl? Why would a human snarl? "Jen don't challenge me right now I said NO".

I heard the both of them growling at each other. Why the hell were they growling at each other? I had to see what was happening.

I squinted my eyes open and saw three bodies, one male was towing over the female, but she was not intimidated, she was growing right back. I opened my eyes wide and saw that their eyes were glowing, the boy, I assumed was Grayson, had glowing icy blue eyes starting down at the girl with his canies showing. The girl had dark blue glowing eyes, and she was growling right back. I don't know what the fuck is happening but I need to get the hell out of here.

I stood up quickly attempting to run, but the throbbing my my head hit my like a bullet and I tumbled to the ground. Right before I smacked the ground, warm hands caught me and pulled me up. I looked to see who it was when I saw the same glowing blue eyes starting back at me. I screamed and tried to get away from him but his iron grip want going to let me move.

He picked me up and put me back on the couch and set me down on it. He looked me straight in the eye and said " Stay ". I felt an invisible force hold me down to the couch.

What the fuck.

I looked back up find the the figures right in front of me.

I got a good look at them now, the two boys looked exactly alike, Im guessing they were twins, yet there different hair cuts made them be easy to tell apart. They were beautiful. They had eyes that looked so soft that you could just fall into, one of the twins hair was black and shaggy, falling into the middle of his forehead, the other twin had hair that was shorter on the sides and long on top.  Pink, plump lips perched on their face. The twin with the shorter hair had scruff along his cheeks and his eyes brows were thick, They were very muscular, the tank tops they had on made their biceps even more pronounced. And to top it off, they had jaw line for days, you could cut some body with how sharp they were.

"What's your name?" The twin with the shaggy hair said.

Should I even tell them my name? I don't even know who they are, but I've got nothing to lose.

"Im Elena" I spitted out.

"Ok Elena, Im Ethan, this is Grayson, and this is Jen" the shaggy hair one said, now known as Ethan. Jen stepped in now and started integrating me.

"What did you see, or what did you think you saw?" Jen kept firing of questions at me so fast couldn't even answer.


My subconscious was finally butting in.

"Jen stop" Grayson growled. I looked at him, his eyes were glowing icy blue again, this was weird, since his eyes were just hazel. I gasped and scooted away from him. He looked at me and his eyes pierced my soul.

What kind of drug did they slip into your system?

Ethan put a hand on Grayson arm and said with a soft yet stern voice, "your scaring her...stop".

Grayson must have realized what he was doing because he squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened his eyes, they were back to the soft hazel.

It's gotta be LSD

"Im sorry" he said. He went and squated down in front of me, he was now eye level with me. He spoke with a voice that was so soothing that I wanted to jump into his arms.

"Im sure you have lots of questions, and I will answer all of them the best I can" he told me.

I looked him straight in the eye, his eyes began to glow at this, as if I was challenging him, and said 3 words, "what are you."


So I am re-reading these chapters and I am presently 40+ chapters in and oml my writing was such shit at the beginning of this book I'm so sorry guys I promise it gets better lmao


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