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I woke up feeling different, like a whole other person. Grayson was never off of my mind, all I could think about was when I could go talk to him. I had A LOT to tell him. I found out about his past... he needed to know about mine.

Jen and Jackie were sleeping on the floor with their mouths wide open, I even heard a small snore coming from jen. Smiling to myself silently, I then slipped into the kitchen and made myself some eggs. Jackie and Jen slept on.

When I was done, I left a sticky note on the counter saying only one word "Grayson" knowing they would understand. I walked out the door and shut it as quietly as possible. Then sped off in my jeep. The ride to Graysons house was quick and I was trying to put together what I was gonna say in my head.

Don't sound pathetic I thought in my head, but dont sound unapologetic. Im a mess, im still wearing his clothes too. I pulled into the twins driveway and took a deep breath. In and out Elena I thought. I took one more deep breath before walking up to the door, I was about to knock, but i used my wolf hearing and heard nothing except the even breaths of the twins, they were sleeping. I just walked in then, they never locked their door. I was silent as I walked towards graysons room, i knew he wasn't gonna wake up, he was the heaviest sleeper ever, but I didn't want to wake up Ethan.

I opened the door to graysons room and peeked in, he was sleeping as I assumed, he was so beautiful. The morning light was orange seeping in through the blinds, making him even more beautiful.

Swipe right up top to see the pic I am describing

I looked at him for what felt like forever, i decided not to wake him up. I looked at his room, it was so plain. Except for the now HUGE hole punched in the wall. Oh shit, I think im the cause of that... Oh nice going Elena. I sighed before sliding to the floor against his wall. Tears slip down my cheek. A sob crawled up my throat and I put a hand over my mouth so I wouldn't wake him up. What have I done.

My eyes were closed and I was actually sobbing, I was trying to be quiet, but you could still hear me. Grayson wont wake up, he is to heavy of a sleeper. I cant have a break down right now... I'm supposed to be apologizing to him and explaining myself. I have no idea why i have been such a baby, i never cry about stuff usually, but i have never felt so strongly towards anyone like I am Grayson before.

But then he was there, gently picking me up in his arms. I looked up at him, the concern etched in his gorgeous face made my heart melt. I still had tears running down my cheeks, but my sobs were gone the second he embraced me. He sat down on his bed, and I laid on him, absorbing his comfort. He cooed to me softly, telling me words of comfort. how could he still treat me like this even after how I treated him I thought to myself. I cried some more, and some more, until I finally pulled my self together.

"Grayson, I-I" I tried to stutter out.

"Its okay Elena" he said softly.

"No its okay-"

"NO its NOT okay Grayson, I treated you like you were trash, like you were purposely trying to hurt me, I-I just didn't know about...Bailey" I said the last words so softly, I almost regretted saying them. Grayson's face fell, I saw a look of so much sorrow that I could practically feel my heart break.

"Elena.. how could you have known. I should have told you, I-I didn't want you to think I was weak, or couldn't protect you." Grayson admitted.

"No Grayson no" I put a hand on his cheek so he had to look at me. "I would never believe that, you have protected me even before you knew me. Kicking the beasts ass the night you saved me, always there to catch me when I fall." when I finished I had tears running down my cheeks. The emotions I had running over me was beginning to get over whelming. Grayson looked at me with such trust and hope, I had never felt so appreciated.

"Grayson, you should know about my past... since I found out about your past." I said slowly.

"Elena, you can tell me anything"

"Okay...I will start from the beginning" I took a deep shaky breath, I have never told anyone about my past before. Grayson took my hands in his own, showing me his support.

"As a child  had I had shitty parents, It was me and my little brother, Eric. My parents were addicted to practically every drug, cocaine, meth, Oxycontin. I had to take care of myself, and my brother, he was 8 years younger than me. Half the time my parents  were past out on the couch, I didn't know if they were dead or not half the time. most of the time I wished they were. My dad was abusive to my mother, which lead to her being abusive towards me. i tried to run away a couple times, my parents would never notice me gone, but i couldn't take care of Eric without any money. Our apartment was just full of alcohol, drugs all over the table, bums that past out on the couch after doing drugs. one night, i walked out of my room to get Eric, but i couldn't find him, I was panicking. I found out that my parents sold him, for drugs. They sold a 5 year old boy to some bums for Drugs" I spat that word with such disgust. "But my parents bought some new drug, called flakka. They had injected in themselves, but they had no idea what it was... so they over injected and killed themselves. I found them on the couch, dead. i didn't call an ambulance. i just got a backpack with what little things i had and ran. at 12 years old, I was on the streets and trying to stay alive. I had looked for Eric, but the only thing I found was his body. somebody killed him. Somebody killed a 5 year old innocent child. I gave up then, I had nothing left for me in this world so at around 15, I got into smoking weed and other drugs. I was never not high, that was the only way I could live without crying every second. I would sleep around at friends house. I never made any friends, I never trusted anyone. But one day... I was at a chicks house named ally. she was into the shit my parents used, so I hated her. But i was no better with all of the weed and other shit I was smoking. I had looking into the mirror and saw myself. I was frail, and anorexic skinny because of the fact I had barley any money for food, I would spend most of it on Drugs. That day, I realized that I was going to end up the same way my parents were. So I gathered my stuff, got sober, and left, im pretty sure Ally was dead on the couch. she still had the elastic wrapped around her arm. But I left and moved around for a year, trying to find the perfect place. Thats how I ended up here." I had finished. I didn't say anything, for all of the emotions and memories came back to me in a rush. Tears ran down my face in what felt like a waterfall.

Grayson raised his hand, wiping my tears. Then he did the sweetest thing I have ever known. he kissed my forehead, my cheeks, my eyes, my nose, and when I couldn't wait any longer, he laid the most gentle, softest kiss on my lips. His lips fit like a puzzle piece against mine. I had 1000's of emotions running through me. I had never felt more loved in my entire shitty existence. He kissed me again and again until I stopped crying, then as I laid in his arms, the emotions took over and I fell into a deep, well needed sleep.

The last thing I heard was Grayson's deep husky voice telling me "Your safe now, you will never have to go through that again". And I actually believe him, I have a home.

ok guys that chapter was an emotional roller coaster, make sure to listen to the song otherside-macklemore which i have up top, because it kinda goes with Elena's past. Next chapter will be up soon ily guys!

- Mel🌱

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