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Grayson's POV

I woke up sweating and breathing heavily.

I have been having nightmares every night. But they all had one thing in common, the beautiful girl, the white wolf.

I had no idea who she was and it frustrated me so much. The only way I could clear my head would be going on a run, maybe catch a rabbit.

The scary part about of these dreams was that they felt so real; more like memories.

I stretched my aching limbs and made my way out of the house into the woods.

These last couple of weeks have been so rough and I have no idea why. My depression has come back and now I just feel so, empty again, like a part of me has left.

I just sighed and began jogging into the forest to that I could phase.

Elena's POV

Stay very healthy, exercise, eat vitamins to support the baby.

I was currently reading a blog on how to have a healthy pregnancy. I literally have no idea what I am doing, and I have no one to ask about it.

Why don't you go on a run

My subconscious has been telling me what to do. I haven't been in my wolf form for a while so I guess I could go on a run.

It's not you could get your fat ass human body running.

Your right.

I walked out of my apartment and began walking towards my car.

It was a chilly day out, so I had a light jacket on. It's not like I'm going to need it later.

The forest I usually run in was only about 10 minutes away so it doesn't  take long to get there.

I was staring at the forest as I drove.

These woods seemed so familiar, even though I have only been in them a couple of times.

I watched the trees move as I sped past them, I looked back towards the road to see a huge brown wolf run across the road.

I screamed as I swerve out of the way, I dodged the wolf but then went straight into the ditch. I felt the car begin to roll as it dropped and I screamed more.

I tried to hold myself still while we rolled because of the baby, but as we reached the bottom of the hill, I smacked my head on the glass.

The car came to a stop and I smelled smoke, fire, gas. I was so dizzy, I barley recognized my surroundings. I put a hand to my head and felt blood every where.

Crimson red stained my clothes, but seconds after that, my dizzy-ness reached its limit and I passed out.

Grayson's POV

Shit shit shit shit.

I put on the sweats that I was carrying in my mouth and sprinted down the bottom of the ditch, the black suburban was in ruins and on fire.

I saw gas leaking out of the motor, and a person in the front seat.

Shit this car is about to blow, GRAYSON MOVE.

I obeyed my subconscious and opened the door quickly.

I grabbed the small female body and dove into the woods right as the car blew up. I landed in my back with the woman on my stomach.

I took a few seconds to catch my breath before acting again.

My breath caught though the second I saw the girls face.

She was absolutely gorgeous, and she was absolutely pregnant.

She didn't have a wedding ring though, so I'm guessing she was a single mom. She was covered in blood, but was beginning to wake up.

Get an ambulance.

I don't have my phone with me.

Check her pockets for one dumb ass.

Oh true. I saw a little square in her front pocket and got her phone out, dialing 911.

They were on their way and I took another look at her. She groaned and her eyes fluttered open.

Glowing green eyes pierced mine and we both froze looking at each other.

Then it clicked.

She was the girl in my dreams.

The second that processed in my head, sharp pains stabbed my head.

Her head must have been doing the same thing for she let out a scream.

I had never felt this kind of pain before, it felt like jolts of electricity stabbing my brain as it strained to remember something.

It was too much, I blacked out.


"Daddy!" I tiny voice was yelling at me.

I slowly woke up, and I felt a small hand nudging my arm.

My eyes opened and I took in the scene around me. I was laying in a hospital bed, Jen and Ethan were standing at the end of the bed and Rebecca was standing right besides me.

"Daddy your awake! Finally" she sassed, I just chuckled and ruffled her head.

"What happened?" Jen asked me, concern lacing her tone.

Everything started to come back to me now.


"I was running across the road and a car came, it swerved me and rolled. I got the girl out of the car right before it exploded. Jen this girl was so beautiful, she was pregnant too. I called an ambulance on her phone and while I was waiting for it to get there, she woke up. God she was so gorgeous. I think she was a werewolf, her eyes glowed bright green. But the second we made eye contact our heads began hurting like crazy. It felt like electricity was stabbing my brain. It was as if my brain was trying to...remember something, but my mind is just blank." I explained.

"Well damn" Jen muttered.

"Watch your profanity" Ethan said like a goof, I'm thankful he helped lighten up the mood.

"Daddy where is mommy?" Rebecca whined.

"Mommy?" I don't remember anyone ever being introduced as her new mom.

"Yah, she has been gone for a long time, I miss her daddy" she sniffed, my heart yearned but I had no idea who she was talking about.

"Whose is your mommy?" Jen asked her.

"Her name is Elena, she has pretty green eyes too. And she has my little sister in her belly" Rebecca explained.

Jen looked at me puzzled, and I returned the look.

"Are you ready to go home?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She grabbed my hand and me, her, Jen and Ethan walked out of the hospital room and down the hallway.

"Daddy I found mommy!" Rebecca suddenly yelled.

"Wha-" I was cut off when she ran up to a hospital room window and pointed in.

I walked over and saw that girl I saved earlier, she was fast asleep, she looked at peace. She was even more gorgeous not covered in blood.

"Come one Rebecca, we helped all we could, now lets let her sleep" I smiled at her.

"Oh alright" she huffed. I chuckled at her and picked her up.

We walked out of the hospital, and all I could think about was those bright green eyes and how familiar they seemed.

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