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Grayson suggested that we should all go sit on the couch, so we migrated out of the kitchen and into the living room. My wolf was on edge, I realized it was because she didn't trust Erika, and honestly... I don't either.  when we walked into the room, I hesitated to sit down, I wanted to be the last one standing before I sat down. I assumed it was a dominance thing. Everyone sat down, expect Erika, Me, and Grayson. I looked at Erika dead in the eyes, and she met my eyes.

My eyes started to glow at the challenge, her eyes glowed,but it wasn't a bright glow, it was her ocean blue eyes glowing. my wolf was ready to put this pup in her place when her eyes suddenly dropped. She realized I was more dominant, but she didn't want to accept it yet. She sat down on the couch without taking eye contact. Suites her right the dumb bitch I said in my mind. 

I realized that Grayson had sat down behind me when he touched my arm and gave me a little tug, motioning for me to sit down. I sighed before sitting down next to Grayson. He put a hand on my thigh to attempt to calm me, but this action caused my lower abdomen to tense up, and my heart beat to rise.

Grayson leaned towards my ear and whispered so softly that only my wolf hearing could catch, "I can hear your heartbeat rising". I turned and looked at him, the smirk he had on his face caused me to flush. I turned back around towards the group to find Erika starting daggers at me. The jealousy rolling over her was suffocating.

I couldn't take this anymore, I stood up and looked at Erika and said, "ok do you have a problem? Because you seem to hate me for no reason".

I heard Jackie mutter an "oh shit" under her breath.

Erika snarled as she stood up, she stomped over to me and yelled in my face, "you think that you can come into our pack and think you are the alpha female and shit!?"

"And you think you are?!" I snarled back. I was pissed now.

"Hells bells maybe I am!" She raised her voice even louder.

My wolf was itching to phase, I wanted to kick her ass, put her in her place.

"Prove it than" I growled out.

Grayson tried to stand in between us, to stop this fight. But Ethan grabbed him and shoved him back saying,

"Grayson let them fight this one out". Grayson looked at Ethan, contemplating it, then put his hands up in surrender.

This was happening, now. Erika and I ran into the backyard, the rest of them followed. I barely made it out of the door before shredding my clothes and phasing. I looked over and saw Erika already phased too. Her wolf looked slightly like Jens, except Jens coat was less plain grey and had more colors and shades.

We immediately started circling each other with our shackles raised and teeth baring. My wolf wanted blood. I was the first to make the move, she was to chicken shit to bite first. I lashed out, locking my jaw onto her leg. She yelped and ripped into my back, I felt my fur dampen with my blood, but I didn't care. I have my head a sharp twist until I heard the sickening crack of her leg.

I let go and backed away, we began circling each other again. Erika was hoping with her back leg hanging uselessly. I took her moment of weakness to take a bite into her side. I squeezed my head until I tasted blood, then I backed off. She made a leap at me, but her broken leg slowed her down. So I dodged her and and shoved her into the ground with one of my paws. I walked over to her and put my jaws around her throat, but I didn't plan on killing her.

I waited until l she turned her neck in submission to release. I stepped back, letting her rise. She looked at me, but kept her gaze averted just below my eyes. I walked past Grayson, stopping to look up at him. I didn't have to look very far, for I came to the height of his belly button. His eyes were glowing as he smirk at me.

"Go take clothes out of my closet" he told me. I started trotting back towards the house.

I heard Grayson tell Erika, "go to Ethans room and get clothes".

I noted how he didn't send me to Ethans room. Just that simple act made my wolf wonder if he was possessive of me. I nudged the door shut with my nose. It took me a couple minute to phase back. I stood up and looked around, I had only been in his room a couple times.

He had a blue plaid bedding, it looked incredibly comfortable. He had no posters up, but he had pictures of him and Ethan, and some of the pack members pinned up on a big cork board. I got a tan hoodie from his closet. I knew none of his shorts were gonna fit me, shop I put on a pair of his boxers. The elastic barley wrapped around my waist, it wasn't stretched at all.

I looked back at his bed, I couldn't help my self. I ran and jumped on top it, I shoved my face into the pillows and took a deep breath, it smelt just like him, woods and spice. I rolled onto my back and sank into the bed, he must have had a memory foam or something because this was the most comfortable bed I have ever been in.

"Having fun" Grayson said. He scared the shit out of me, I didn't even realize he was standing in the doorway. I covered my eyes and flushed.

"I-Im sorry, i'll leave now" I stuttered out. I scrambled to get out of the bed.

"No it's ok" Grayson said as he walked into his room. He sat down next to me on the bed and fell back with a sigh. I have no idea how one human, or I should say, werewolf, could be so gorgeous.

"So... how long were you standing there exactly" I asked nervously.

He laughed and stood up straight again. That laugh was one I never want to stop hearing.

"I was there long enough to see that you are adorable" he smiled at me, flashing those pearly whites.

I put my head down, blushing. When I looked up, he was right in front of me. My heart sped up again. He smirked at me, he knew the effect he had on me and he revealed in this.

He looked up in my eyes, challenging me. My eyes glowed in response to this. He kept leaning in towards me, he was going to kiss me. Oh my god he is going to kiss me. I stared at his plump lips, I will actually get to feel them, see what he taste like.

But see suddenly veered left, towards my ear, and whispered in my ear,

"Not yet beautiful". He gently nipped my ear before getting up and walking out.

The nip on my ear caused my abdomen to clench up as it did before. He had so much control over me, and it pissed me off. I looked down at my hands to see them shaking. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, pulling myself together. I stood up and started walking out of Grayson's sweet smelling room.

Damn, I wanted him so bad.


The tension is killing me


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