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I woke up in the morning without moving. Everything from last night came back in a rush. Werewolves. Fighting. Grayson. Wait a minute, where Grayson. My arms patted around looking for the chest I had laied on the night before. My eyes flashed open, I saw that I was on the couch, still in the camo thrasher jacket, and a fleece blanket laying over me.

I stood up from the couch and closed my eyes. These new abilities took over me. I took in a deep breath and focused my mind. I smelt Ethan, in the kitchen. I took another breath, Jen was in the bathroom. I took another slow sniff, I picked up Grayson's scent in his room.

I was about to run to him when I realized what I was doing. My wolf was in control. Why did my wolf want Grayson so bad? I didn't know how I was going to be around any one, I had no control over what I was doing.

I heard Grayson's door shut and his feet walk into the kitchen, Jen was also in the kitchen now. My wolf perked up again at the thought of another female in the house. I walked towards the kitchen slowly, I needed to get control of my wolf.

Get control of my wolf? Where the fuck did those words come from? So much has changed in one night...

I walked into the kitchen doorway silently, they didn't even hear me until I shuffled my feet in the doorway.

Jen turned around and looked at me, "hey there she wolf" she said at me.

"Hey" I said quietly. I walked over and started helping myself to some pre-made coffee. I wanted to start a conversation, to get more answers, but when I tried to say something, my wolf stopped me, I had no control. I suddenly got very afraid, I didn't know what I could do. My wolf had my senses focused on Grayson's movements. He was looking in the fridge right now.

Ethan walked over and pushed Grayson out of the way to get into the fridge. At This my wolf snarled and I pushed Ethan out of the way in seconds, I never knew I could move that fast. My claws were put away, but my canines were getting longer and sharper by the second. I knew my eyes were glowing green.

Ethan snarled back at me, his eyes burning Amber orange. I was liking him straight in the eye, my wolf was ready to challenge him. My claws were about to come out when Grayson's arm wrapped around my waist, pulled me back, and spun us around so that he was in between Ethan and I.

"Your wolf is in control, get your control back." Grayson said.

"I-I can't" I sputtered out before my wolf could notice. "Help-p me" I cried out.

I couldn't see anything over Grayson's broad form. But Jen peeled over and whispered to Grayson.

I could still hear her say, "take her out, she needs to learn to live in peace with her wolf"

Grayson nodded at her and than met my eyes. My wolf perked up at the challenge and didn't stand down. His eyes turned blue as he smirked at me, his wolf liked the idea of a challenge. He grabbed my arm and gently let me out of the house. I got a glimpse of Ethan before I walked out and saw that his eyes were still glowing.

The air was cold on my bare feet. Grayson still only had sweats on and he pulled me behind him as he dragged us towards his h jeep. I admired his incredibly muscular and sexy back.

Dammit Elena quit getting distracted I thought to myself. He had a blue, old jeep parked in his drive way, which he led us to. I hopped in the jeep and shut the door. Grayson out the key in the ignition and back down the drive way and started cruising down the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Your wolf is in control, you need to be in harmony with your wolf if you ever want to not phase every time you get mad. We are going out into the forest, we are going to  phase and you are getting to connect with your wolf. Just finding out about this much information in one night is caused your wolf to be in overdrive, since your wolf was just awakened." He explained to me.

"What am I do supposed to do though now? I live by myself, well, I am going to move in with a roommate. But what if I get mad at them and phase?" I started to panic.

"Listen I know we just found you, but you could always stay with me and Ethan, or with Jen. You are apart of our pack now, we aren't going to let you go." He said turning to look at me.

"Your pack, are there more of you guys? Of us?" I didn't even think about if there was more.

"There is me, Ethan, Jen, and 2 more girls, and three more guys". We are a small pack, but we are strong." Grayson said.

I let this information soak in, they could be a home for me. I could finally have a place were I belong.

"Grayson why does my wolf want to challenge everyone?" This sounded so strange to say.

"Your wolf is a dominant, it is trying to prove itself. Your wolf is even standing up to me, and I am the alpha of the pack" he said this with a laugh.

My eyes widened, I stood up to an all alpha, am I that dominant? I just smiled sheepishly at him.

The drive was quiet until he pulled off the road. He switched into 4 wheel drive and drove until the car was hidden from sight. We got out of the jeep and I looked up at him.

"Ok see were gonna need clothes once we phase back so make sure you take off the jacket before you phase" Grayson told me.

"Alright" I said. I flushed realizing I had to get naked. He started to walk to the other side of the jeep so we could have some privacy.

Before he turned the corner, he looked back at me and said with a wink " I won't look if you don't".

I just laughed at him before taking off the jacket. I didn't know how to phase to wolf form, so I just did the same thing that I did to change back to human form. Before I knew it, i feel lot my 4 paws touch the cool forest floor. I shook out my coat and saw Grayson trot over to me. He was much bigger than me in wolf form, but I took in the realization that we are much bigger than normal sized wolves, MUCH bigger.

I looked into his blue eyes, I could still see Grayson in there. He yelped at me before taking off running through the forest, me on his heels.


Sorry guys this chapter got glitches out and didn't up load before chapter 6, so MAKE SURE YOU READ THIS ONE


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