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40 chapters holy shit

"This is a lot to ask mortal" the
god-like creatures in front of me said.

"I know, but this is for the best" my hands were shaking uncontrollably so I set them on my legs.

"Once you make this decision there is no going back" they told me again.

"I understand" I spit out.

Breath Elena.

My subconscious told me, Grayson was locked out of my head.

You fool. Don't make this kind of choice you need your mate.

Now my wolf was yelling at me. Their was no harmony between us now. I have to many voices in my head right now.

"Your fate has been set" they all said.

I felt my whole body heat up, and the forest around got so bright that I could see was white.

Then everything was black.

3 hours ago •

"Hey you good chicka?" Jen asked me, I didn't even realize that I was zoned out.

"Yah I'm good, sorry I just spaced." I sighed.

My mind was buzzing because of the decision I was going to make in a few short hours.

Was I being stupid? Yes.

But was this best for everyone? Yes.

Me and Jen sat talking for an hour and I realized I needed to go. Now was the perfect time to leave as well since Grayson and Ethan were out in town.

"Jen... um I kinda- gotta leave" I tried to spit out.

"Are you good?" Jen asked suspiciously.

"Yah I'm fine" I mumbled as I walked out, not giving her a chance to dig any further.


The woods had an eery feeling, it wasn't the normal home I am used too.

As I walked the forest got very dark and I began to worry the fates weren't going to show up.

But then they were there. 4 God-like looking creatures floating above me. They had a light blue glow radiating off of them, I suddenly felt intimidated.

"You are seeking us" they spoke, there voices boomed around me.

"Yes, I would like to ask you for a favor" I dragged on.

"What is it you seek" they asked again.

"I wish to make it so I never met my mate, that he will not remember me and same as I" my heart broke as I said these words. My wolf was enraged with me.

Stupid human it snarled at me.

I do not want this, but it is best for everyone. I cause to many problems, things were peaceful before I arrived here.

"You wish to have never met your mate? What about the child growing in you?" They asked me skeptically.

"She will be okay with just me" I spoke solemnly.

"We can do this, but we cannot guarantee that you won't meet up again. No matter what you will end up with your mate. But you can live your life not knowing who he is. But the problem is that if you too are to meet again, the second you fall back in love all of the memories come back and it will be painful for the both of you" they told me.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take" I said back, I made up my mind.

It begins.


Short updates because I'm trash hehe

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