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My heart was beating out of my chest as I ran. The cool air whipped my face. I kept turning around to see if it was there, I have idea what it was but it was chasing me through the woods. I snapped twigs with every step as I ran.

Jesus why am I so fucking loud

I took a sharp right and started running down a hill, but I was gaining a lot of speed, to much speed. I felt my self over step and I started tumbling down the hill,

Oh shit oh shit fuck fuck fuck

I started screaming as I hit every branch, and rock. I finally made it to the bottom of the hill, I tried to stand up but my head was pounding so hard that I could barely think. I screamed out it pain as I struggled to stand up. My attention shifted as I heard a roar behind me and saw what ever that thing was still chasing me.

Im gonna die, I have so much to live for oh my god i don't want to go not yet oh FUCKKK

I scrambled onto my stomach and dragged myself towards a huge pine tree. I was still screaming, not because I was hurt, just because I have never felt this kind of fear before. I could hear my heart beating, the arteries in my neck pulsing. I lifted my head up to see where the creature was, and I regret that greatly, I was face-to-face with the creature.

I got a glimpse of its body, it looked like a wolf on steroids. Except it was 20x more frightening. It's teeth were long and looked as sharp as needles. It's eyes glowed red, is body was so huge I couldn't even see around the beast head. I screamed as I prepared for my death.

But suddenly the beast was thrown off me. I shouted in relief, sprinting away from the tree while trying to get back on my feet.

I turned around to see what attacked this beast, but I was astonished to see a teen boy fighting it off, he looked to be 19-20, around my age. The beast flung the boy across the forest air and he smacked the tree, I winced and sobbed at the stranger, no one could take a hit like that and still be able to fight. But the boy got up, he ran towards the beast again and punched it square in the face with superman looking strength. The beast stumbled back to the ground dazed.

The boy with lightning fast speed ran towards me, picked me up and sprinted away. He took off at a speed that was unreal. He had me thrown over his shoulder so I couldn't see his face, but despite the situation, I could feel his muscles bulging under me as he ran. He came to a sliding stop, and surprisingly, he set me down gently. I did not see the dirt bike laying by the tree, but he jumped on and held out a hand to me.

"Come with me if you want to live" he said.

I hopped on the back of the bike with out question. He started the motor and switched into first gear in a matter of seconds. I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on for dear life. I couldn't help but feel his obvious 6 pack and I tried to observe his features from behind as I hung on.

He had wide shoulders and seemed tall, he easily would tower over my 5'3" height. He had on a muscle tank top, with mud smeared on him. His arms were very muscular and would flex with every acceleration of the throttle.

We broke out of the woods and onto an asphalt road. He sped down the road for only about 5 minutes when we came into a neighborhood. Speeding down the street until he skidded into a drive way.

"Here's our stop" the stranger said.

His voice was low, husky, and fucking hot. I hoped the bike, but the minute I stood up I collapsed. The stranger caught me with lightning fast reflexes.

"Woah let's get you inside" the husky voice said.

He picked me up in a cradle, black spots started filling my vision. My adrenaline rush was wearing off and all of my injuries started to catch up to me. I looked up at the stranger, but all I could see was two glowing blue eyes before I blacked out and saw no more.


Heyoo so this is another story I am writing and i got my inspiration from teen wolf (aka my favorite tv show) and one of my favorite supernatural book series. so this is gonna be a good book guys. btw G is described in the story has to do with the pic :)


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