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I never moved from the spot in front of Grayson. I had no idea why I couldn't move, but I was on high alert and was still letting out snarls. Ethan stood back up (still in wolf form), and trotted back into the same room I was in with Jen earlier. He then came out wearing nothing but sweats. If I had any control over my actions, I would have taken a moment to admire his sculpted torso.

But all I could think about was Grayson in his jaws. I let out another snarl with this and felt my claws on my hands and my canines lengthen. My skin was itching to phase again, I had no idea how to stop it. I didn't notice the pair of sweats in Ethan other hand that he threw over my head and behind me. I snarled again at this and nearly phased when suddenly a warm gently gripped my arm.

"Don't phase" I heard Grayson's deep voice say. My body suddenly stopped. My wolf tried to fight it, but she wasn't dominant enough to stand up to him. I turned around and looked at him. I was taken back again by his beauty. His perfect jawline, soft hair, plump pink lips. My eyes trailed down to his torso, he was slightly more toned than Ethan, and his frame easily towered over me. But his eyes still glowed icy blue.

I didn't even realize that Ethan and Jen had left the room. Since I felt that he was safe, my claws and canines disappeared. I had no idea how I did that, it just happened. I could practically feel my eyes burning green though. I looked back up at Grayson, and felt a rush of emotions flow over me. I was scared at what I could do, and about what I don't know. I was lost at what to do next, I felt like I had nowhere to go.

At these thoughts, my legs buckled underneath me. I felt warm, comforting arms wrap around me and pick me up into a cradle, just like they did the night before. Sobs crawled up my throat and out my mouth. My whole body was breaking down, I felt like I was going to pass out. But Grayson carried me to the couch, and surprisingly, sat down with me in his lap. I didn't move from his lap, I buried myself into his chest and absorbed the on skin skin contact. I have no idea why I was sitting in the lap of someone I didn't even know, but it felt right.


Sorry for the short chapter guys, it's either a short chapter or an overly long one so I am splitting it up into a couple but yah I hope you guys like the story so far! A lot more is coming!


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