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Jen's POV

As me and Kian ran through the woods, all I could think about was if Ethan is okay. He is with that stupid bitch Erika and I know that if anything happens, she is just gonna bolt. If she lets Ethan get hurt, I swear to god I will kill her. We kept running until her scent stopped, and right in front of us was a giant crack in the ground. It was about 6ft wide and we couldn't see the bottom because of how dark it was.

"Hello!" I yelled into it. My voice echoed down for a long time and I looked up at Kian with my eyes raised.

"What do we do now?" Kian asked.

"I guess look for another note. " I replied. He gave me a small smile before walking around, but I could tell it was a forced one.

I have always enjoyed Kian's company. Ever since Me and Jackie moved here as kids, he has always been very chill. I remember when I moved her. Ethan's and Grayson's parents were werewolves to, they always took in the the great Luna's children. Me and Jackie were small, and it was just us, the twins and Cameron. I'm surprised Jackie and Cameron never dated honesty, they were always so close. I hope Jackie is okay. She was honestly one of my only friends my entire life. My heart clenched at the thought of something bad happening to her, and I then thought of Ethan again, he better be okay. I was broke from my thoughts when Kian spoke.

"Jen I found a note!" He yelled, but his face dropped when he quickly read it.

"What does it say?" I asked cautiously.

Kian swallowed before reading it out loud. " Man Elena is sure amazing, we could keep her forever, but like everything, if you love it let it free. One of you guys must be free and take a little hop into this crack on the earth, but let me warn you, the bottom is a long ways down" his voice was low and he crushed the paper with one hand while snarling.

I felt everything around me freeze. They expect one of us to kill ourselves to be able to get Elena back? These sick fucks are going to be dead the minute I see them.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked quietly.

"Well one of us has to jump" Kian answered I the same volume of voice.

We walked over to the edge and looked down into it, it was like a black cloud coaxing you to leap.

"I will do it" Kian suddenly blurted.

"No fuck this! No one is dying!" I said with my fist clenched.

"Jen we have no fucking choice! Let me do it! I have a sad life okay! I still haven't found my mate!" My heart clenched for him. " you have Ethan, please just let me do this" he looked into my eyes and the sorrow I saw made my heart break.

"I'm not going to let you die!" I seethed.

"Well Jen, if you jump I'm going to jump with you so either both of us die or just me!" He was yelling now.

"Kian-" I tried to speak but he cut me off.

"Jen" he laid a hand on my arm " I'm not afraid of death, I will be okay." He said softly.

I closed my eyes in frustration, I couldn't just let him die, this would eat me alive, but I could never break Ethan like this. There has to be a loop hole.

"Kian we can figure this ou-" I looked up and saw that Kian wasn't there. No.

I screamed and looked down the crack to see his falling body, his eyes were closed and his arms were spread apart, he looked like a leaf just slowly drifting off of a tree, blending in with the colors of fall.

My breathing was rapid as he disappeared into the darkness. I felt anger bubble up within me, but it was draped with sorrow as I now forever have the picture of Kian falling burned into my memory forever.

I let out a blood currying scream, but it didn't help release the tension. I did the only thing I could think of doing, I ran.

As I'm running, I catch Ethan's scent, and my wolf takes over as I realize this could be a set up for all of us. I'm am going to find him.

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