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"Mommy would love this one" Rebecca hummed to herself quietly.

She was walking through the silent forest at the peaceful dusk before night. The sun painted an incredible scenery of orange and pink over the forest horizon.

With careful decision, she plucked a red flower from the safety of the rich earth and added it to her bouquet of wild flowers.

Rebecca looked at her bouquet thoughtfully before decided it was good enough for Elena, and began to walk back towards the cabin.

But she stopped the second she heard a stick crack. The silence was shattered and the noise seemed to echo throughout the whole forest.

She closed eyes and focused on her hearing, just like Grayson taught her. Her ears strained into the silence again and she couldn't hear anything anymore.

Rebecca shrugged it off and continued her walk to the cabin, slightly suspicious.

But that silence was broken when she heard the most ferocious roar she has ever heard.

Jen's POV

"She misses you too a lot you know" I spoke solemnly to the two bodies laying before me.

Grayson and Elena were still in their coma, it's been two weeks now that they have been asleep and it has been extremely hard without them.

I took Elena's hand, it wasn't as warm as it should be.

Her heart beat was very low, low enough that only a werewolf could survive and sustain life on that.

A single tear fell down my cheek and landed on the flannel bed sheets. These two weeks have have gone by as slow as time can move.

But then I heard a roar, an alpha roar.

That's when it happened.

Grayson and Elena's eyes snapped open, green and blue eyes blaring like flashlights and they sprung from the bed, running outside.

I don't know what the fuck was going on but I followed them as they ran at an incredible speed out the door and into the forest.

The mutant alpha was in front of Rebecca, but what was very peculiar was that the alpha seemed to be completely calm. Rebecca had a hand in his snout, he was completely motionless.

Grayson was frozen, Elena was frozen. Everything was at a stand still.

Rebecca slowly turned to look at us, she saw her parents and ran towards them, the alpha took off into the forest.

Grayson and Elena's eyes were still glowing ferociously. Rebecca jumped into Elena's arms and Elena began crying. Grayson wrapped his arms around them and my heart melted at the sight of this family.

I turned around and saw Ethan running towards me.

"Grayson!" He yelled, Grayson ran towards him and they gave each other a huge hug, they have never been without each other and Ethan needs him.

I turned around again and Elena ran towards me. I embraced her in a huge hug.

I missed her so much. We need her and Grayson to carry on as a pack and there is no way we could do it with out her.

"Jen where's my baby" she released from my hug and looked me. Grayson walked up behind her, both of their eyes pleading to see that their child is alive and well.

"Of course" I smiled at them and we walked back inside.

I brought them slowly inside the room she was sleeping in, I could hear their hearts beating faster as they were so close to meeting their baby.

Elena's POV

I looked at Grayson as we walked into the room, we were both ecstatic to meet our child.

I walked slowly towards the small wooden crib in the room.

I looked down and their she was. My eyes teared up at the sight of this small child that was raised in my stomach for 9 months.

I picked her up, she had Grayson's dark Hazel eyes, but the rest of her looked just like me.

I held her close to me and I had never felt more whole. Grayson's had his arms around me and his eyes were glassy as he looked at our baby girl.

I gave her him and my heart swelled out of my chest as I saw how good he was with her already.

We walked out into the living area of the packs cabin to see our entire pack was their in front of us.

I stood there, not knowing what to say. But Jen saved the day.

She walked over to us and took the baby, lifting her into the air, mimicking the scene from lion king.

Ethan then began to sing "ITS THE CIRCLE OF LIFEEEE".

I began dying laughing, and the pack went along with it, howling in happiness.

As we all laughed together, good vibes filling the room, I realized things were finally good.

But that didn't last long.


So guys this is the end of part 2! Don't worry part 3 will be up soon, but I am going to write a couple chapters and work on some of my other books.

This book has made it so far and I am so grateful!

Comment some things you would like to see happen in part 3!

Sorry this is a short chapter but I didn't want to drag it on to much.

Ily guys! Please vote and comment!

- Mel🌱

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