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The door opened to reveal a very sweaty Ethan and Grayson.

"Damn how much did you guys run?" Jen said, noticing how exhausted they were.

"A little over 13 miles, nothing bad" Grayson said breathlessly.

"Holy fuck. You guys must be supernatural or something, oh wait you are." Jen said in fake surprise.

I laughed at her, her sarcasm was very entertaining.

"Ok imma go take a shower and I'll be right out" Ethan said while walking down the hallway, Grayson walked down the hallway as well, but he turned into his room instead of Ethan's obviously.

They were only in there for like 5 minutes when they walked out, Grayson had Adidas joggers on and Ethan had grey sweatpants, both had no shirts on, which of course me and Jen appreciated greatly. I watched Grayson walk into the kitchen and reach in the top cabinets for a granola bar, his back flexing in the process, damn he is hot.

"Hey Elena" Grayson called, Im glad he didn't turn around and catch me staring, and practically drooling.

"What's up Gray"

"So I was thinking.." Grayson dragged on.

"Oh boy Grayson was thinking guys, some one call the mayor" Jen said in mockery.

Ethan snickered and gave Jen a devilish smile that made her blush, but she tried to hid that.

"Oh go suck a biscuit Jen" Grayson said as he walked into the living room.

"What the actual fuck Grayson" Jen laughed.

Grayson just shrugged her off and sat on the couch next to me, pulling me into his lap.

"Okay continue now that the Peanut gallery" I shot Jen a glare, she held her hands up in surrender "is quiet"

"So I was thinking that its time for you to meet the rest of the males of the group as well."

I froze. I totally forgot about them, I had been living here for what... 2 weeks? My anxiety started to kick in at the thought of having to get three more people to like and accept me as well as the twins, Jen, and Jackie have was exhausting. Grayson slipped his hand up my shirt and rubbed circles on my back to try and soothe me, which worked.

"When will I meet them?" I asked

"Any time you wish luna" he said in a soothing voice.

"Luna?" I asked skeptically.

I looked over at Jen and saw that her eyes were wide open. This got me worried.

"Sorry I-I didn't mean to let that slip" Grayson said.

"What does it mean Grayson?" I asked again

"okay, it is what you call the alpha female of your pack. It may seem like just a word, but it is actually a really big deal to be called that. We use the word Luna because wolves live off of the moon goddess, The Great Luna. She is who created us and helps keep us alive." He explained.

I decided to shrug it off for now, but later I am going to bring it up again. A moon Goddess? They don't actually exist...well I didn't think werewolves existed either but...

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