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I had blacked out for 3 days. 3 days I could have spent with Grayson before the fight tonight, I could have shown him how much I love him just in case things go very wrong, which they won't. I was now sitting in Grayson's bed, rolled up like a burrito in his sheets and absorbing every scent I could take in. One of the rules was that I wasn't allowed to see him in the 24 hours before the fight. Him and Ethan were at the place they are fighting with Cameron and Kian. Erica and Jackie were here with me and Jen. Erica has been crying and fake caring and it is pissing me off. She is still obsessed with Grayson even though he is going to fight to the death for me in just a letter of a few short hours. Fight to the death... death... my heart clenched again and I felt another sob crawl up my throat. That's my baby...its my Grayson. I heaved some more sobs until I finally got control of myself. The door creaked open and Jackie walked in and sat down next to me, Jen followed her in as well.

"Hey babe" Jackie said as she rubbed my shoulder.

"Hey" my voice was cracked from all of the crying and my throats burned.

"So we have to leave for the fight..." Jen said as she sat down next to Jackie.

I felt my hands curl into fist and all I could think about was the fact that Nate was going to try and hurt my baby.

"Elena, if Grayson...loses...which he won't. But just in case, we need to have some sort of plan to get you to safety, because there is no way in hell we are going to let Nate have you" Jackie said with determination on her face.

"Why don't I just come back here, I can just hide out in the movie room" I said.

"Oh true" Jen said, it was sound proof and a secret so it sounded like a good idea.

Jackie nodded in agreement and they the. Helped me get ready for the fight. Jen helped me dress in a stylish out fit, as her words were "just because we are going to a fight, doesn't mean we have to dress like it". It was a camo pants and jacket.

We all walked out of there house and into my Jeep

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We all walked out of there house and into my Jeep. I gave Erika a dirty look as she opened the door to get in the passenger seat, and just lowered her eyes and then got into the back. Stupid bitch. On the ride there, it was completely silent, I couldn't even hear any breathing coming from the girls. The air was tense and my wolf was on constant edge.

We pulled off of the asphalt road and them romped through the dirt and very far into the woods, I thought we weren't going to ever find them when we suddenly broke into a clearing. I gasped as I saw the setup, there was a huge circle of cleared out bushes that left rich, dark brown soil there. There was huge lights set up and I saw Cameron and Kian. There was three wolves I didn't recognize on the other side lines, I'm assuming some of Nate's pack decided to show up. I didn't see Grayson or Ethan anywhere so I assumed they were off warming up. Nate was also no where to be seen.

The girls and me walked over to Cameron and Kian and they had their Jaws set and there eyes darting around, their wolves were on edge. They saw me and brought me over so a small section marked off. Jen was the only one allowed to stay there with me, the others had to go and stand at the side lines. Everyone stopped talking when Ethan walked out from in the woods and into the middle of the clearing.

"The fight today is between the two wolves...Grayson Dolan" Grayson walked out of the woods and into the circle, his jaw was clenched and he glanced over at me, his eyes softened and I felt me heart shatter again as the thought that he could lose passed through my mind. I started to walk to him but Jen grabbed my arm and held me back.

"Don't move" she hissed in my ear, I didn't want to listen, I wanted to go to Grayson, but I knew that if I did anything, all of these pissed off wolves could break into a huge fight.

"And Nate Garner" Ethan finished his sentence and Nate walked into the field.

I felt a snarl crawl up my throat but I held it back.

"Nate, you have challenged Grayson for the female, Elena" Ethan looked at Nate with hate burning from his eyes. Nate simply nodded and shot me a glance, but I had my bitch face mode on, so he wasn't getting shit.

"This fight is to the death, not submission. The winner gets to claim Elena, understand?" Gray and Nate nodded and glared at each other.

"You may begin" Ethan said as he backed away.

Grayson and Nate shredded their sweats and landed on their four paws as they phased. They began circling each other and were snarling. I felt my claws on my hands lengthen and and every bodies eyes were glowing as they itched to join the fight. Nate was to much of a pussy to make the first move so Grayson latched himself onto his side. Nate yelled and tried to get out of his grip but his grip was Iron. So Nate latched into Grayson leg in attempts to free him, and I winced when I heard the sickening crack of Grayson's leg, Grayson finally relented on Nate side and blood was pouring from his wounds. They began lashing at each other and I winced every time Grayson had another slash added to his beautiful coat that was now matted with blood.

I let out a scream as Nate lashed out at Grayson and Grayson looked over for me at a moment, Nate used this moment of distraction and held Grayson down by his neck. I screamed again and felt my body seize up as I realized Grayson could not escape his grip.

"NOOOO" I screamed.

Grayson was still being held down and I ran into the ring. I began to beat on Nates fur and rip it out but he didn't bulge.

"Get her out her out of here" Ethan hissed at me.

I felt an Iron grip wrap around my waist and yank me back sharply. I clawed against their grip but nothing helped. Not my baby, this can't be happening, I just got him I can't lose him. I started crying and screaming so hard that I felt vomit crawl up my throat. I threw up what ever I ate and kept throwing up until there was nothing left but dry heaves. Jen, Jackie, and Erica had to drag me into the car and get me out of their. I was sobbing into Jens shoulder, but I ran out of tears. The last thing I remember before I blacked out is Grayson's beautiful face, all of our memories.

Grayson holding me while I nearly died from the thunderstorm.

Me trusting Grayson as I showed him the most vulnerable part of me.

I lost him. I lost my baby.



- Mel🌱

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