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Jackies POV

As me and Cameron ran through the woods, I was internally thankful that They gave me Cameron just because me and Cameron were especially close, being childhood friends and all. I remember when we were kids and I had found out I was a werewolf. He is two years older than me, so he helped me out. I always had him around with me.

As we ran, he smell began to fade until we were stopped in circle similar to the arena we started in, but much smaller. We walked into the circle and I saw black ash on the ground, it took me a moment to realize what it was. Mountain ash.


(A.n| teen wolf aye)

"Cameron this is mountain ash!" I yelled.

Cameron raised an eyebrow and slowly reached his hand out, but it was shot back and the circle glowed purple.

"Fuck!" Cameron yelled.

"Cam" I laid a hand on his arm " we have to calm down and figure out what they want" I said softly, he nodded at me.

I looked around the ground and moved grass until I saw another note, but there was a small bag with a little blue pill in it.

What the fuck.

I picked up the note and read it out loud to Cameron.

"Are you willing to die for your Luna? Prove it. The mountain ash will not move until one of you swallows this little pill. But don't be fooled, this little pill has a Big Bang." I felt tears run down my face as I realized that one of us is going to have to die. My voice cracked as tears began running down my face.

Cameron looked up at me but before he could do anything, I dropped the note and snatched the bag off the floor.

"Jackie NO-!" He tried to grab the bag from me but we just began wrestling over it.

"I'm not gonna let you die!" I screamed at him.

I rolled Cameron down on the ground and ripped the bag from his grasp. I threw the pill in my mouth and swallowed it.

"JACKIE NO!" Cameron screamed.

It took a couple moments before I felt myself crippling under the effect. They weren't kidding when they said it had a Big Bang.

Cameron's POV

"Jackie!" I caught her as she stumbled, I held her body as she got more and more limp.

Not my Jackie. She has been my best friend since we were tiny. I remember teaching her how to control her self, and now she is dying in my arms.

Her eyes had a yearning in them, her yellow eyes always seemed to be able to look into my soul. Tears ran down my face as her eyes began to flutter shut.

"I'm s-scared" she spit out.

"Shhh, it's okay Jackie. Just close your eyes" I held tears back as she relaxed her whole body. Her breathing was labored as she struggled to let get air in and out.

"Just relax baby, shhh it's okay" I coed to her. She opened her eyes once last time to look at me and her yellow eyes were glowing, but suddenly the glowing faded and her body relaxed as her chest stopped moving.

I slowly closed her eyes and set her delicate body on the green mossy floor. The minute I set her down, the mountain ash disappeared. I stood up slowly, rage burned through my veins and I let out a howl of the most sadness I could muster.

When I find this pack, all of their heads are mine.

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